Page 33 - Green Mountain Research Handbook Final 8-9-21
P. 33
Green Mountain Research Employee Handbook
Social Media
As an employee of GMR, you represent this company in both your work life and private life. As
such, you are expected to always be sensitive to how others may see you ethically. You are
expected to be sensitive to this when engaging in social media.
Software and Computer Use
It is the Company policy to use licensed software only in accordance with the terms of its
license agreement. Violating a license agreement is not only unethical – it is also illegal and can
subject the Company to criminal prosecution and substantial monetary penalties. To help us
adhere to this policy, employees may not do any of the following without permission from the
Executive Team.
• Computers and necessary software will be provided. If additional software is needed for
business purposes, an employee is to seek the prior approval of the CEO.
• Make a copy of any Company software program, for any reason.
• Unauthorized installation of a Company software program on a home computer or
other device. It is understood that the company does provide access to some programs
to be used at home and on a work device as licensing allows.
• Install a personal software program (that is, software owned by the employee) on any
Company computer.
• Download any software program from the Internet to a Company computer without
permission from a member of the Executive Team.
GMR may audit Company-owned computers or other devices at any time to ensure compliance
with this policy.
Acknowledgement of Receipt
Employment with Green Mountain Research is contingent upon employee’s acknowledgement
of receipt of this handbook and agreement to comply with the policies contained therein. This
will be accomplished by the employee signing the attached Handbook Acknowledgment Form
as found in the Appendix.
1. Handbook Acknowledgement Form
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Revision Date: 08/01/2021
Origination Date: 08/01/2021