Page 7 - LouisianaGolfGuide2020flipbook
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is near Houma. It’s a David Toms design, which Louisiana’s most visited city, New Orleans, is home
runs along Bayou Lafourche. LaTour was recently to three AGT locations. The historic Golf Club
added to the trail collection. at Audubon Park is one of the oldest courses
in the state and it’s located right on the streetcar
Greater Baton Rouge has become golf central for line. On the west bank of the Mississippi River just
Louisiana, with five Audubon Golf Trail courses outside New Orleans is TPC Louisiana. Pete Dye
located within 45 minutes of the capital city. Santa designed the course, which annually hosts the PGA
Maria is Baton Rouge’s home course and was TOUR’S Zurich Classic. Plus, Bayou Oak’s South
designed by the world-renowned Robert Trent Course in New Orleans City Park was designed by
Jones, Sr. Copper Mill is in the suburb of Zachary Rees Jones and has a spectacular layout for golf
north of the airport. The Bluffs Golf & Sports enthusiasts of all skill levels.
Resort is located in the historic town of St. Francisville.
The Arnold Palmer design has a Lodge on-site and Only in Louisiana can you experience the courses
offers stay and play packages. The Island, is an of Arnold Palmer, David Toms, Robert Trent Jones,
18-hole course 10 minutes southwest of the capital Sr., Pete Dye and the most magnificent designer of
in the charming and quaint community of Plaque- all, Mother Nature. As home to the Audubon Golf
mine. And just east of Baton Rouge in Springfield is Trail, Louisiana is more that great food, festivals
Louisiana native, David Toms’ first design, Carter and music -- it’s great golf too.
Plantation. This location also offers on-site golf
villas with multiple bedrooms and common space. Take a tour of the 18 unique, hand-picked
Another new addition to Louisiana’s golf trail is just Audubon Golf Trail courses on the next few
30 minutes east in Hammond. The semi-private Oak pages, and when you’re ready to challenge the
Knoll Country Club has that old, Southern country Trail, check out our custom golf packages at
club feel to complement a relaxing round of golf. 7