Page 14 - LCTrecipebook2021flipbook
P. 14
Shrimp ingredients Shrimp
12 large, whole Gulf shrimp, Heat a cast iron skillet over medium
bodies peeled, deveined heat and add the oil. Season the
1 tbsp. olive oil
shrimp with salt and pepper. Sear the
1 clove fresh garlic, minced
shrimp in the skillet, carefully turning
½ oz. parsley leaves, chopped
when they are halfway done. When
½ oz. sliced green onions
the shrimp are almost completely
Salt and pepper to taste
cooked, add the garlic, parsley, and photo credit Denny Culbert
Kale and onions ingredients green onion, and stir in gently.
1 bunch fresh kale, stems removed,
torn into bite sized chunks Kale and onions
1 small onion, sliced thin Heat the oil in a large skillet or wok over high heat. Add the onion and sauté until the onion
2 cloves fresh garlic, minced
starts to become tender. Add the garlic and sauté for another 10 seconds. Add the kale and
2 tbsp. olive oil
sauté until the kale begins to wilt. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat. Split the
kale and onion mixture between two serving plates. Top each with half the shrimp. Serve.
Yields 2 servings.
Recipe compliments of Jeremy Conner.
Lafayette has a distinct culinary identity as the heart of Louisiana’s Cajun & Creole country where
tradition merges with a new generation making it an incredible place to eat.
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