Page 7 - 2019 Winter Spring Program Catalog
P. 7

Mom & Son Afternoon Out
Saturday, January 5, 11am – 1pm
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (Gym)
Start January out with a bang! It is time for mom and son to share some special time together in this fun afternoon
of games, sports, special project, lunch, and dessert.
Tales of the Underground
Saturday, January 12 12 – 12:45pm (Session A) or 1 – 1:45pm (Session B) Pilcher Park Nature Center
Passengers on the Underground Railroad struggled with hunger, cold, unfamiliar surroundings, never knowing who to trust, and the overwhelming fear of getting caught. This special event o ers a glimpse into what fugitive slaves endured on their trip to freedom. Families and groups welcome. Registration is required.
2 sessions:
#19-1-8010A | ages 6+ | $10 #19-1-8010B | ages 6+ | $10
Grandparents’ Valentine’s Celebration Day
Sunday, February 17, 12 – 3pm
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (Gym)
Who doesn’t love spending time with their special Nana or Poppy? This day is
 lled with love and fun. There will be music, crafts, bounce houses, movement activities, games, contests, lunch and dessert. Come spend the afternoon with your very  rst Valentine. Pre-registration is necessary by February 11.
#19-1-3902 | ages 3+ $20 couple | $10 add’l child | $5 add’l grandparent
Pre-registration is necessary;December 26 deadline. Dress for active movement.
#19-1-3901 | ages 3+
$20 couple | $10 add’l child

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