Page 20 - Winter/Spring 2017
P. 20

Nature at Pilcher Park
Pizza with Donatello
Nature Babies
Have you ever had the pleasure of dining with a turtle? Donatello the turtle and his shelled friends will join you while you dine on freshly made pizza and a drink. While you munch away, a naturalist will teach you about the slow-paced residents of Pilcher Park Nature Center. After lunch you will have the opportunity to touch our reptile friends and make a fun craft.
Pilcher Park Nature Center (Community Room)
Nature Babies will experience a hands-on exploration of nature! They get to see and touch live animals, go on a guided hike to explore the woods, and work on a nature-themed craft using their  ne motor skills. Please dress your little one for the weather; wear clothes and shoes for playing and painting!
Facility Program
All $8
Small Animal Care Basics Class
Is your child interested in learning more about how to properly care for a small pet? This class will demonstrate the general care needs for small
new animals like snakes, turtles, rodents, and birds. They will learn about feeding, handling, and clean- ing through hands-on experiences with the Nature Center animals. This program could help your family decide which pet is best for all of you.
Pilcher Park Nature Center (Classroom)
Age Fee
Day Date Time
Facility Program
17N-1-8112A 17N-1-8112B 17N-2-8112C 17N-2-8112D
Age Fee Day
1-2 $40R/$45N Wed 1-2 $40R/$45N Wed 1-2 $40R/$45N Wed 1-2 $40R/$45N Wed
Feb 1-Feb 22 Mar 1-Mar 22 Apr 5-Apr 26 May 3-May 24
9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a
Sat Dec 3 11:30a-1p
Facility Pilcher Park Nature Center
Join Tadpoles class for a hands-on exploration through nature with your toddler! Together you will see and touch live animals, explore the woods on
a guided hike, and put your child’s  ne motor skills to work with a nature-themed craft. Please dress for the weather; wear clothes and shoes for playing and painting!
Program Age Fee
17-4-8115A 6-12 $10 17-4-8115B 6-12 $10
Day Date
Fri Dec 23 Fri Dec 30
12p-3p 12p-3p
Facility Program
17N-1-8111A 17N-1-8111B 17N-1-8111C 17N-1-8111D 17N-2-8111E 17N-2-8111F 17N-2-8111G 17N-2-8111H
Age Fee
2-3 $40R/$45N 2-3 $40R/$45N 2-3 $40R/$45N 2-3 $40R/$45N 2-3 $40R/$45N 2-3 $40R/$45N 2-3 $40R/$45N 2-3 $40R/$45N
Day Date
Tues Feb 7-Feb 28 Thurs Feb 2-Feb 23 Tues Mar 7-Mar 28 Thurs Mar 2-Mar 23 Tues Apr 4-Apr 25 Thurs Apr 6-Apr 27 Tues May 2-May 23 Thurs May 4-May 25
9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a 9:30a-10:30a
Pilcher Park Nature Center (Classroom)
Save the date for Nature Babies & Tadpoles Open Houses!
Saturday, December 17, 10 – 11 am
Winter Solstice
Saturday, March 25, 10 – 11 am Spring Equinox
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