Page 10 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 10


              On August 23, 2019, the                                           The Madison’s Best compe-
            Madison Area Chamber of                                             tition featured over 300 area
            Commerce announced the                                               businesses. Some 2018 win-
            winners of its second annual                                         ners continued their streak
            “Madison’s Best” competi-                                             into 2019, and some 2019
            tion. Forty-six categories of                                         winners are receiving their
            businesses were presented                                             title for the first time. 2019
            to the public for popu-                                               winners will be featured as
            lar voting from mid-July                                              a 2019-2020 Madison’s Best
            through August receiving                                             business in their category on
            over 1,500 submissions.                                   
              “We’re proud to be able to                                      as well as in this edition of the
            present this program and rec-                                     “Guide to the Madison Indiana
            ognize the excellence of so many busi-                         Area.” Winners will also receive an
            nesses and professionals in our commu-                     official “Madison’s Best” certificate and
            nity,” said Lindsay Bloos, former Executive Director.   digital badge. New this year, winners of the competi-
            “Many of the category races were quite close, and it was   tion will receive “Madison’s Best” logo window clings to
            exciting to see the results come in! We hope that our area   display in the window, door, or vehicle for their busi-
            businesses will continue to compete for ‘Madison’s Best’   ness.  All winning businesses will be linked to the Madi-
            each year. Congratulations to all of our winners and to   son’s Best web pages through the business directory.
            all businesses that make a difference in our community.”


            All Around Restaurant:          Liquor, Wine, or Beer:          Apartments:
            Harry’s Stone Grill             The Bottle Shop                 Suggett Schmidt
            Place for Dinner:               Grocery:                        Properties
            Key West Shrimp House           Kroger                          Commercial Property:

            Place for Lunch:                Event Venue:                    Venture Out Business
            The Red Pepper                  Clifty Inn                      Center
            Caterer:                        Lodging:                        Education:
            The Red Pepper                  Clifty Inn                      Madison Consolidated
            Sweet Treats:                   Realtor:                        Youth Program:
            Horst’s Little                  F.C. Tucker/Scott Lynch         Lide White Boys
            Bakery Haus                     Group                           & Girls Club

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