Page 16 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
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Neavill’s Grove “Old Settlers 5 to the 5 Vintage Hydros Presents Red White & Boo (Halloween): Free,
Meeting” (last Saturday in August): Madison Vintage Thunder safe community Halloween Party with
Since 1885 – antique machinery, (September): Vintage hydroplane boat treat bags, games, and activities for kids
entertainment, food, and fellowship. racing on the Ohio River. of all ages.
Chelsea Jubilee (August/September): Loft Tour (September): See how the Veterans’ Parade (November): Parade
Indiana’s oldest continuous festival with upper half lives as you tour downtown through downtown, complete with
tractor parade, music, games, arts & loft spaces. (biennial) flags and honor guards to celebrate our
crafts, and flea market. Madison Airport Airshow (September): veterans.
Rockin’ on the River (1st weekend Aviation Day celebration. Downtown Holiday Open House
in September): Classic car show along Madison Chautauqua Festival of Arts (November): Downtown merchants
Madison’s riverfront featuring awards, (last weekend in September): Fine arts kick off the holiday season with festive
food, and music. and crafts show featuring live music window displays, staying open late, and
Prince of Peace Community Festival and children’s activities. having holiday sales.
(September): Friday and Saturday event Hanover College’s Homecoming Small Business Saturday (Saturday
with live music, beer garden, carnival (October): Football, tailgating, and more. after Thanksgiving): Shop small for
rides, and great food. Raffles, games, Tri Kappa Tour of Homes (October): the holidays and visit the downtown
and fun for the whole family. (Pictured hospitality site for snacks and prizes.
Tour historic sites and homes in
on page 12-13)
downtown Madison. (biennial) Nights Before Christmas Candlelight
Canaan Fall Festival and Pony Tour of Homes (4th weekend in
Soup Stew Chili & Brew (2nd weekend
Express Mail Run (2nd weekend in November/1st weekend in December):
in October): Madison’s only festival
September): Festival with parade, music, Tour of private homes decorated for the
on Main Street features delicious
games, pie baking contest, flea market, food, wine, beer, live music, children’s holiday season. (Pictured above, bottom
and more - including a historic ride activities, and shopping. This festival right)
between Canaan and Madison post (organized by the Madison Area A Very Merry Madison Christmas
offices carrying mail with special Pony Chamber of Commerce) supports local Parade (1st Saturday in December):
Express postmark. non-profit organizations, for-profit Parade down Main Street that features
Hispanic Cultural Awareness Day (2nd businesses, and artists. (Pictured above, Santa and several children’s storybook
weekend in September): Celebration bottom left) characters.
of Latin American culture with food,
Ghost Walk (October): Lanier Mansion Madison Handmade Market
dance, and artifacts around Broadway State Historic Site conducts walks (December): A shopping experience
Fountain. through the city with a costumed guide featuring a variety of goods by local
recounting ghost stories from the area. artisans.