Page 39 - GM Booklet Dec-2022 demo
P. 39

  Laying of Thick Web Switch.

            The work of Laying of Thick Web Switch has been taken up in the Division and a progress of
            41 Nos has been achieved up to 22.11.2022 (SC-DHNE – 26 Nos, SC-MUE- 15 Nos)

            6. Infrastructure Improvements / Additions.

                 New “Pension Adhalat cum Conference Hall” in Rail Nilayam 3  Floor

                 Inauguration of Renovated Conference Hall, 5  Floor, Rail Nilayam Building has
                   been done on 25.02.2022 by PCE/SC.

                 Inauguration of Renovated Transit Flats in Officers Rest House at Secunderabad
                   by General Manager on 15.12.2021.

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