Page 58 - GM Booklet Dec-2022 demo
P. 58

5.  In connection with Railway Electrification works, the following works commissioned by
                   RE/SC organization:

                        a.  Energisation  of  conventional  OHE  with  25KVA  carried  out  between
                           Manoharabad  -  Kamareddisection  on  27.10.22  and  Mahabubnagar-Gadwal
                           section on 27.11.22.
                        b.  Existing  PTJ  single  line  tokenless  block  instruments  replaced  with  UFSBI  of
                           M/s  Deltron  make  and  HASSDAC  of  M/s  GGtronics  make  in  the  above
                           sections.(Total 12 block sections)

               6.  Replaced  existing  mechanically  operated  lifting  barrier  with  Electrically  operated
                   lifting barrierof MFT/Workshop at LC No.192/T at Nizamabad yard on 01.08.2022 ,
                   LC No.73/T at Devarakadra yard on 08.09.2022 and LC No.172/T at Karkheli yard on
                   29.11.2022 by open line.

               7.  Commissioned Provision of Sequential Route Release of UP and Down calling on
                   Signals S40A and S1A at Kachiguda station on 04.11.2022.

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