Page 66 - GM Booklet Dec-2022 demo
P. 66
iv. Modification of the D1 emergency valve for increasing its height
In light of recent instructions to crew, the ALP was advised to be in alert and
standing position in the event of an approaching signal aspect and also, he must
be ready to apply the emergency brakes. The existing height of the D1
emergency valve (120 mm to floor) was not sufficient for the reach of ALP in
standing position. As such shed has performed a modification to the emergency
valve to increase its height (400 mm to floor) which the ALP can now easily
reach without compromising the signal aspect. This modification has been
completed on 07 locos so far and in is progress.
v. Modification to SPIC/SC No. 200107
Provision of Electronic water level Provision of Water level gauge on
sensor on roof mounted tank underslung water tank
• New SPIC no. 200107 of SC division was commissioned on 23-03-2022. It was
received to DLS/MLY after manufacturing by M/s ICF, Chennai.
• The SPIC did not have a provision for checking the water level in the roof
mounted main water tank.
• Also, no water level gauge provided for the underslung water tank as well.
• DLS/MLY have modified the new SPIC by providing an Audio-Visual alert along
with electronic water level sensor. Now Crew will receive AV alert whenever the
water level in the main tank reduces.
• In addition to the above, a Water level gauge has also been provided on the
underslung water tank.
vi. Developed a Mobile Single Car Test Rig for DEMU TCs