Page 102 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 102

III.  Other Coaching Revenue: Division has achieved Rs. 15.67 Crores as against Rs 17.09
            Crores    in the corresponding period of last year,  less by 8.34% and when compared to
            proportionate target of 21.29 Crores, less by 26.41%.
       IV.  Goods:  Division  has  achieved  Rs.  165.13  Crores  as  against  Rs  124.12  Crores  in  the
            corresponding period of last year, more by 33.04% and when compared to proportionate
            target of Rs. 162.67 Crores, less by 1.51%
       V.  Sundry:  Division  has  achieved  Rs.  10.95  Crores  as  against  Rs  5.25  Crores  in  the
            corresponding period of last year, more by 108.52% and when compared to proportionate
            target of Rs. 18.26 Crores, less by 40.06%

              Commercial Sundry Revenue:
                                                                                              (Rs in Crores)

                                                            Target          APR- NOV               % Var Over
        S.                      2019-    2020-    2021-
        No      Contract         20       21        22      2022-    2021-              2022-     Last
                                                              23              Target                      Target
                                                                       22                 23      Year

         1         NFR          2.48     0.23      0.69      2.39     0.24      1.60     0.63  +162.5      -60.6

                Other than
         2                      4.12     0.20      1.02      2.70     0.38      1.80     2.58  +578.9  +43.3
             NFR Contracts

             T O T  A L         6.60     0.43      1.71      5.09       0.62    3.40     3.21  +417.7       -5.6

   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107