Page 142 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 142

4.    Requirement of Coaches & Holding

                      Depot                               KCG

                      Bare requirement                    410
                      Total requirement                   452
                      Actual holding (incl. spares)       441

               5.    Infrastructure for Maintenance of Coaching Trains

                                 Pit                    Pit      Cat     HP
                      Depot             Capacity                               Drainage  M&P
                                line                  lights    walks    jet
                                PL-1        24          A         A       A        A          A
                       KCG      PL-2        24          A         A       A        A          A
                                PL-3        24          A         A       A        A          A

                     Note:  A – Available, NA-Not available

               6.  One Mechanized Laundry of 2 Ton capacity is available at KCG.

               7.  C&W Performance

                                                           Proportionate              Actual
                           Performance Index              Target  (22-23)      (21-22)      (22-23)
                                                                              upto Nov     upto Nov
                    Ineffective % of AC coaches                 1.5              0.47        1.24
                    Ineffective % Non-AC coaches                 1               0.32        0.26
                    Enroute coach       Territorial             0.67              0            0
                    detachments         Ownership               1.33              0            0
                    IOH                                         NA               262          232
                    Coaches marked sick within                  NA                0            0
                    100 days
                    Punctuality         Direct                  1.33              3            2
                    Losses              In Direct                2                2            2

                 8.  Road Mobile ART is available at KCG.

                 9.  Area training centre available at KCG for training of Technicians and Khalasis of
                     HYB and NED divisions.

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