Page 152 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 152

3) Health Unit wise SAVE Position:
                                                          Staff Nurse/
                                Medical                                                 Hospital
            HEALTH UNIT         Officer     Pharmacist       Nursing       Dresser     Attendant      Safaiwala
                              S  A  V  S         A    V    S     A    V  S  A  V       S    A  V  S  A        V
                  NZB          1   1    -   1    1    -    1     1     -   1  -  1     2     2  -  2  2        -
                 MLY           1   1    -   1    1    -    2     1     -   1  1  -     1     1  -  1  1        -
                 KCG           2   2    -                  2     1     -   1  1  -     4     3  1  2  2        -

                MBNR           1   1    -   1    1    -    1     1     -   -  -  -     1     1  -  2  2        -
                 KRNT          1   1    -   1    1    -    1     1     -   1  -  1     1     1  -  1  1        -

            4) Details of Referral and Investigation facilities
                                         Referral Hospital Details HYB Division
            S.No.       Location                      Hospital Name                          Validity Period
                                                                                           From            To
            1.      Nizamabad          Medicover  Hospitals  (A  Unit  of  Niharika  24.03.2022  23.03.2024
                                       Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.,
            2.      Kurnool            Medicover  Hospitals  (Sahrudaya  Health  22.11.2021  21.11.2023
                                       Care Kurnool Pvt. Ltd.,)
            3.      Mahabubnagar  SVS Medical College Hospital                          21.06.2021  20.06.2023

                                        Lab Investigation Facilities HYB Division
            S.No.     Health Unit                     Hospital Name                          Validity Period
                                                                                           From            To
            1.      Nizamabad          Raksha Diagnostic                                21.02.2022  20.02.2023
            2.      Kurnool            Medicover Hospitals                              14.03.2022  13.03.2023
            3.      Mahabubnagar  Nirmala Diagnostics                                   10.01.2022  09.01.2023
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