Page 51 - GM Booklet Dec 2022 demo2
P. 51
Energy Conservation Measures implemented:
60.39 kWp Solar Power Plant at TA Camp/MLY
60.39 kWp solar power plant which makes 1105 RE Regiment (TA Camp) Energy Neutral
was inaugurated by our beloved General Manager, Shri Gajanan Mallya, in the presence
of beloved PCEE/SC Shri Somesh Kumar on 20th December, 2021. GM/SCR has
appreciated the efforts put by Electrical General Services towards making the buildings
energy neutral.
Fig: 60.39 KWP solar power plant at TA Camp, MLY
10kWp Solar Power Plant at HU/NZB
10kWp solar power plant which made Health
Unit Energy Neutral was inaugurated by our
beloved General Manager Shri. Gajanan
Mallya, in the presence of beloved PCEE/SC
Shri. Somesh Kumar on 02-11-21 during the
Annual Inspection of Ex.MUE-SC section.
Inauguration of 10kWp Solar Power Plant at BSX
10kWp solar power plant at BSX Railway Station was inaugurated by our beloved
General Manager Shri. Gajanan Mallya, in the presence of beloved PCEE/SC Shri.
Somesh Kumar on 02-11-21 during the Annual Inspection of Ex.MUE-SC section. GM/SC
has appreciated the efforts put by Electrical General Services.