Page 89 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 89

                                                                 The pandemic has not put a dimmer on our courage
                                                                 or interest in learning new things and having fun too.

                                                                 Such being the case, after our February meeting
                                                                 Carrousel Rhoda booked us a gun safety class
                                                                  from an outstanding instructor at Top Gun. We

                                                                  were instructed on properly loading our guns and
                                                                  headed to the range to learn to properly handle
                                                                   and use. We’ve got some sharp shooters in the
                                                                   group as you can see by the targets. Some of us
                                                                   had never held a gun so it was great for us to learn

                                                                   about them and not fear them. African American
                                                                    woman are the fastest growing segment of
                                                                    responsible gun owners. Carrousel Nakeisha was

                                    gifted a pistol by her Carrafella husband and she was eager to use it for the first time.
            Carousel President Twyla let us see that we shouldn't be fooled by the doctor in the white coat, that she knows
            how to handle a gun and a stethoscope.  We got to experience shooting several different types and brands of
            automatic pistols, some with lasers, some without and that was very interesting for us to find out that all pistols
            feel and shoot differently and what is best for women to handle safely. It was a blast and we definitely plan to go

            again and get better and above all continue to do so safely.


            Wine, laughter, and song were
            the flavors of the night for

            Carrousel sisters Audrey, B.J.,
            Rhoda, and Twyla as they
            enjoyed their evening of fun
            listening to live music and

            moments of “sister to sister”
            catch-up conversations. Neil’s
            Music Room was the location
            of an impromptu meet up.

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