Page 97 - S2S Magazine Preview - Draft V16 - updated
P. 97
Carrousels of Nashville
The Nashville Chapter has enjoyed a sisterly and fun-filled year of theme-based meetings. We took an energetic
and intentional approach to gathering this year to reconnect and reinvest into our sisterly bonds through
interactive activities. We are thrilled to share the following news and updates with our sisters across this
wonderful organization!
Carrousel Leslie Douglas-Churchwell and
Carafella Keith Churchwell celebrated their
daughter, Lauren Cook, née Churchwell's
nuptials to Adam Cook in Santa Rosa, California
on May 28, 2022. Lauren is the granddaughter
of Carrousel Meriel Douglas. Carrousel Past
National Presidents Sheila Hill and Angela
Gaskin enjoyed the festivities. The newlyweds
reside in Baltimore, Maryland. Lauren is a PhD
candidate at Johns Hopkins University in art
history. Adam was inducted into the Maryland
State Bar Association and is employed
in Washington, DC as a staff attorney at
Amentum. Carafella Keith was selected as the
national president elect of the American Heart
Association. On July 1, 2024, Keith assumes his
tenure as national president.