Page 3 - 2024 Kenny King Resume
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¨ Interview and hire coaches for all sports, provide resources for coaches’ certifications, execute performance reviews, and develop improvement plans.
¨ Determine coaches’ salaries, supplements, and other benefits.
¨ Supervise and evaluate athletic trainer and head coaches for all school athletic
programs/feeder patterns.
¨ Determine and manage budget preparation for athletic expenses, fees, and associated
school fundraisers.
¨ Coordinate directly with the high school administration, school bookkeeper, and school
district regarding all aspects of the Daphne High Athletic Department.
¨ Oversee the middle school athletic programs and am heavily involved in the local youth
sports organizations.
¨ Active member of the City of Daphne Parks and Recreation Board, ALFCA, and NFL
Player Association.
¨ Assure high quality of service and maintain retention goals by constant interaction with
staff and members, as well as immediate responses to surveys and feedback.
¨ Implement the Trojan Pride philosophy plan to improve accountability, belief,
communication, and discipline of students, coaches, and parents within the athletic program.
o Trojan Pride is a program that is based on the strong conviction that athletics and education provide opportunities for incentives, rewards, and enhancement. The program is based on 3 principles: commitment, effort, and pride.
¨ Invented and applied procedures to ensure student-athlete and coach compliance with AHSAA Bylaws and Regulations.
¨ Collaborate with DHS Booster Clubs to ensure compliance and growth.
¨ Evaluate and apply athletic policies to avoid athletic violations pertaining to school
¨ Determine scholastic eligibility of all candidates for athletic teams, as well as monitor
academic progress and study sessions.
¨ Constructed an anonymous end of season parent/community survey. Meet with city
leaders and high school administration to review and discuss survey feedback at the
end of each fiscal year.
¨ Wrote and received grants for football equipment, John Deere Gator, facility
improvements, track renovation, facility lighting upgrades, and turf field.
¨ Conceived, implemented, and acquired funding for the following community programs:
o ACT Prep Program – is a FREE ACT program for all student-athletes.
§ Following the enactment of this program the average student-athletes ACT
scores improved from 17 to 21.
§ It increased the overall test scores of the school and aided Daphne High in
receiving A+ accreditation.
o Academic Enrichment Program – is a year-round program that includes bi-weekly study
hall, grade monitoring, quarterly grade/behavior checks, and in-house tutoring.
§ The program has increased our graduation rate to 100% and our average GPA
to 3.2.
Kenny King Resume