Page 16 - March 2017
P. 16
State Police Museum Facing Difficult Rebuild
The Massachusetts State Police Museum & Learning never updated. Furthermore, the building lacks an elevator
Center suffered damage to the museum building, located to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The
at 44 Worcester St, Grafton, when a fire began in a second damage cause by the fire has mandated updates to conform
floor conference room on Feb. 25. The Grafton and Sutton with current building codes and laws relative to the use of
Fire Departments responded to the two-alarm blaze at the building.
the Museum at 9:30 p.m. The fast response and decisive Museum Director Charlie Alejandro stated “The elevator
actions of firefighters in covering the museum artifacts alone is likely to cost almost a hundred thousand dollars”
during the firefighting process saved all the memorabilia while talking about the extent of renovations that would be
and historical artifacts which date back to the formation of required. The Museum is still working on estimates for the
the Massachusetts State Police in 1865. rebuild, but initial costs are feared to be in the hundreds
The State Fire Marshall’s investigation revealed that oily of thousands of dollars. The Museum has already incurred
rags, disposed of improperly by a contractor doing painting costs for temporary storage of the artifacts that have been
work in the Museum, spontaneously combusted and began removed and the use of an onsite trailer where work is
the blaze. The conference room was destroyed and the now being done. Contractor estimates put the reopening of
entire building suffered smoke and soot damage, leading the Museum at least a year away. The Museum is engaged
to the removal of all the original horsehair plaster walls in in remuneration compensation and has engaged legal
the building. All of the historical uniforms at the museum representation to guide and assist with the process.”
have been sent out for professional cleaning and many The Massachusetts State Police Museum and Learning
documents and photos require extensive expert care to Center is a non-profit organization that survives solely
clean and restore. on donations to keep the history of the Massachusetts
The good news -- the saving of memorabilia, some of which State Police alive. The Museum has set up a GoFundMe
dates back 150 years -- is offset by the recent revelations account, www.GoFundMe/mspmlc, to raise money for the
that the building must now be brought up to current restoration. An account has also been set up at Unibank and
building codes, a cost that insurance companies are already can be sent direct to the Museum Rebuild Fund, Unibank,
balking at. 89 Worcester St, North Grafton, MA 01536.
The Museum is housed in the former State Police Barracks Department members can contribute $3 per pay period
in Grafton, which was built in 1931 and closed as a to the Museum by filling out the payroll deduction
functional barracks in 2006. Because of the age and use of authorization form on Docushare under Payroll Forms, State
the building there was no sprinkler system installed, and Police Museum Payroll Deduction Form.
many of the systems, including electrical and heating, were
Pictured is the conference room at the Museum which was destroyed in the fire