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Welcome to the Massachusetts State Police Pipes & Drums 20th Year Anniversary Gala Event.
We are honored to hold our 20th anniversary celebration on this, the 150th anniversary of the
Massachusetts State Police. Inside this booklet you will find information on the history of the
Massachusetts State Police Pipes & Drums as well as a brief history of the Massachusetts State
Police itself.
The band was created in 1995 and is made up of Massachusetts State Police Troopers, both
present and retired, who give of their time, passion and skills as they work to constantly
improve the quality of the band's music and ensure that the band reflects favorably on the
Department at all times. The members take great pride in their hard work and dedication and
hope you enjoy their performances this evening. The band is proud to debut two new songs at
the 20th Anniversary Gala.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Massachusetts State Police for allowing us the
opportunity to perform as we do. We would also like to thank all of our supporters who have
helped us not only recently, but over the past 20 years: the State Police Association of
Massachusetts, the Former Massachusetts State Troopers Association and the Commissioned
Officer Association. In addition we would like to extend a special thanks to the business
community and other organizations for their exceptional generosity.
We also thank our wives, families, and friends who support us each and every day. Without
their constant support and understanding, there would be no celebration tonight.
In keeping with the band's tradition of giving, we have provided free tickets to Project New
Hope so that a number of veterans may attend our Gala and enjoy our performance.