Page 33 - LA Handbook (HTML Only)
P. 33
Narcissistic abuse can come from all walks of life. From various people that you have interactions with. What is the source of your concern? Is this in reference to: (Please check all that apply)
A Parent
An Adult Child
A Developing Child
A Committed Relationship
A Spouse
A Friend
A Family Member
A Boss
A Business Partner
Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend
A Work Colleague Other________________________
Are you bound by obligations? If so, what obligations are you bound by?
Legal Other:_______________________
Do you feel like there is nobody who understands what you are going through?
Yes No Maybe
What questions would you like answers to in reference to your relationship with a Narcissist(s)?
How would you describe your
relationship? _________________________________
How long have you been in this
relationship? (If there are more than one, then please put the first letter of the three options beside the checkmarks above as they apply.)
Lifelong Years Recent
Are you feeling stuck and want to know what to do about it?
Yes No Maybe
How would you best describe the
dynamics of your relationship? _________________________________