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1 Lookof the text.Whereorethe people?Whqt oretheg doing?

The SwissFqmilg Robinson is q novel bg Johonn Dqvid\Wgss.ft's q verg
exciting storg.The mqin chqrqcters ore q mother qnd fother qnd their
four sonsrFritz, Ernest,Jock qnd Fronz.The fomilg decidesto trovel to
ctnew countru to live.Theg trovel on ctship with lots of other people, but
there is o big storm.The ship sinks,but the fomilg swim to qn islqnd.
There qren't qnu other people on the islond, so the fomilg is o.lone.

Theg tqke things from the ship,such os clothesqnd tools, to
help them stqrt q new life. The fomilg hos lots of qdventures on the
islqnd ond theg leqrn q lot of importqnt lessonsT. heg find out thqt the
islqnd hos evergthing theg need to survive. First, theg use wood from the
trees to build q house in o tree.\fhen the weother is cold qnd wet, theg
move to o cove ond moke o home there.

Theg grow vegetoblesqnd fruit from seedsond theg hunt qnimols for
their meqt.Theg usesqlt to keeptheir meqt freshfor o long time, so theg
ore neverhungrg. Theg cook food on o fire qnd theg useplonts to mqke
poper ond clothes.Theg leqrn q lot qbout nqture ond theg enjog their life
on the islond. One dog, theg hove the chonceto leavethe islond ond go
home to Switzerlond,but theg decidethqt the islqnd is their home now.
Theg ore hoppg with their new life ond theg don't wont to leqve.

2 Reodogoinond write f (true)or F (      TheRobinsonusseplontsto keep
   L T hereor et h r e ec h i L d r ein t h e
      Robins ofno m i l . g_.                    th e irm e o tfr e sh ._
   3 TheRobinsontosketooLsfrom the ship.         T h eRo b in so nbsu ildo h o u sei n o tree.

  28 Extensivereoding: The SwissFomily Robinson
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