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P. 76

Dodge & Burn
            Dodge & Burn tools are known as toning tools. They allow for finer control over lightening or
            darkening an image. These tools simulate traditional techniques used by photographers. In a
            darkroom, the photographer would regulate the amount of light on a particular area of a print.

                    1. To Dodge and Burn, apply the Dodge & Burn filter in the Filters list.

                    2. Click the Start Painting button to open up your canvas.
                    3. Choose either the Lighten or Darken tools in the top Toolbar to select the desired brush.

                    4. Use the Size slider in the Toolbar to control how large the brush is.

                    5. Use the Strength slider to control its impact.
                    6. If you get an accidental stroke, the Erase tool can be used to remove it.

                    7. Click Reset if you need to start over.

                    8. Click Done to apply the adjustment.

                    9. Use the Amount slider in the filter control group to further refine the global intensity of
                       the filter and blend it back with the original image.

            This is a tool that is meant to be used creatively and by feeling.  It is more about the looks and results
            than it is specific numbers and sliders. Feel free to experiment as you can always adjust the mask of
            the Dodge & Burn effect as well as its overall opacity.

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