Page 11 - Plus Minus
P. 11
Our products are mostly made of
pure solid wood. The wood comes
from healthy habitats of alluvial
plains as well as hilly and mountain
landscapes. The variability of climatic
and orographic forms provides the
diversity of the communities from
which we choose the healthiest
trees - zonal climatogenic Hungarian
oak-Turkey oak forests (Quercetum
frainetto-cerris), thermophilic forests
of sessile oak (Quercetum petrea),
river valley forests of cottonwood
and willow (Populo-Salicetum albae)
as well as beach forests (Fagetum
Due to its patrimonial attributes and the
creative influence of abiotic and biotic
factors, the trees that had grown in our
habitat give wood material that abounds
with significant variability of structure
and properties, retaining its colour,
texture, gloss, density, stiffness, and
durability at a high quality level. During
our design and production process, we
strive to preserve all of these natural
features which are kept in solid wood.
► Jošanica monastery
This monastery was built in the 14th century
[43°58 ; 21°08°]