Page 19 - Personal Profile August 21
P. 19

Managing Risk-

           High Risk Environments

         While working for the  Lagan Group, Vincent  was
         working in high risk workplaces which involved
         potentially explosive atmospheres, which came
         under the ATEX Regulations at the time.

         This  included  bulk  storage  of  50,000  litres  of
         kerosene, bitumen, acetone and other flammable
         and    hazardous    substances.    The  enforcing
         authority  in    Ireland,  the  Health  and  Safety
         Authority,  undertook regular  inspections at the
         workplace and were so   impressed with the way
         the plant was managed, particularly safety in  the
         laboratory that they asked if the company would
         represent Ireland for the    European Agency for
         Health & Safety at Work “Good Practice” Award.
         They won one of the major awards, even against
         substantial  opposition from other E.U. countries
         for their innovative approach to remove carcino-
         gens from their work processes.

         Following an inspection by the Health and Safety
         Authority,  Vincent  was  invited  to  train  their
         inspectors on how he developed Chemical Agent
         Risk  Assessment.

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