Page 3 - Personal Profile August 21
P. 3

Radio Broadcast

                                       As part of Irelands 2019 CIF, (Construction Industry Feder-
                                       ation)     “Safety  Week”,  Vincent  was  asked  present  an
                                       article on a live radio show for Dublin South 93.9 FM of how
                                       he help to improve the standards of Health and Safety based
                                       on his 25 years experience in Health and Safety  on some
                                       of the largest construction projects in the UK at the time.

        As he explained,  he believes engagement with
        workers through coaching and a commitment to
        improving  standards  is  important  to  him  and
        has  produced  positive  results  over  several

        “Never under estimate the power of communi-
        cation  and  engagement,  I  have  worked  for
        companies  with  poor  engagement  and  been
        able to completely change the  culture within a
        short  period  of  time,  sometimes  within  6

                                                                               Broadcast Link
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