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corporation is treated as stock or indebtedness    FHFA has adjusted the cap on average total
               for all purposes of the Internal Revenue Code.     assets that is used in determining whether a
               The corrections are effective 01/23/2017. The      Federal Home Loan Bank member qualifies as a
               corrections may be viewed at:                      community financial institution to
               $1,148,000,000, based on the annual percentage
               24/pdf/2017-00498.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.      increase in the Consumer Price Index for all
               82, No. 24, 01/24/2017, 8165-8169.                 urban consumers, as published by the
                                                                  Department of Labor. The adjustment is
               Treasury Requests Comment on Information           effective 01/01/2017. The notice may be viewed
               Collections.                                       at:
                                                                  19/pdf/2017-01104.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               •       Treasury has issued a notice to            82, No. 12, 01/19/2017, 6551.
               announce it seeks comment on the information
               collection titled Bank Enterprise Award Program    SBA Issues Interim Final Rule Adjusting Civil
               Application. Treasury also giving notice that it   Monetary Penalties for Inflation.
               has sent the collection to OMB for review.
               Comments are due 02/13/2017. The notice may        The Small Business Administration (SBA) has
               be viewed at:                                      issued an interim final rule amending its
               regulations to adjust for inflation the amount of
               12/pdf/2017-00504.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.      certain civil monetary penalties that are within
               82, No. 8, 01/12/2017, 3851-3852.                  the jurisdiction of the agency. The interim final
                                                                  rule is effective 02/09/2017. Comments are due
               •       Treasury has issued a notice to            04/10/2017. The interim final rule may be
               announce it seeks comment on the information       viewed at:
               collection titled Certification of Material Events   2017-02-09/pdf/2017-02657.pdf. Federal
               Form. Treasury also giving notice that it has sent   Register, Vol. 82, No. 26, 02/09/2017, 9967-
               the collection to OMB for review. Comments         9969.
               are due 03/01/2017. The notice may be viewed
               at:      SBA Issues Peg Rate.
               30/pdf/2017-01968.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
               82, No. 18, 01/30/2017, 8786-8787.                 SBA publishes an interest rate called the
                                                                  optional peg rate on a quarterly basis. The rate is
               FHFA Requests Comment on Community                 a weighted average cost of money to the
               Support Requirements.                              government for maturities similar to the average
                                                                  SBA direct loan. The rate may be used as a base
               The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)          rate for guaranteed fluctuating interest rate SBA
               has issued a notice to announce it seeks           loans. The rate will be 2.00 percent for the
               comment on the information collection titled       January-March quarter of FY 2017. Pursuant to
               Community Support Requirements. FHFA is            13 CFR 120.921(b), the maximum legal interest
               also giving notice that it has sent the collection   rate for any third party lender’s commercial loan
               to OMB for review. Comments are due                which funds any portion of the cost of a 504
               02/10/2017. The notice may be viewed at:           project shall be 6% over the New York Prime
               rate or, if that exceeds the maximum interest rate
               11/pdf/2017-00435.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.      permitted by the constitution or laws of a given
               82, No. 7, 01/11/2017, 3320-3324.                  state, the maximum interest rate will be the rate
                                                                  permitted by the constitution or laws of the
               FHFA Issues Notice of Adjustment of Cap on         given state. Copies of the notice may be
               Average Total Assets that Defines Community        obtained from the Association office or viewed
               Financial Institutions.                            at:
                                                                  18/pdf/2017-00973.pdf. Federal Register, Vol.
                                                                  82, No. 11, 01/18/2017, 5627.

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