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Apr. 18, 2017)

            *  HUD                      NOTICE: FHA-Insured Mortgage   Federal Register, Vol.    Mar. 27, 2017
                                        Loan Servicing Involving the   82, No. 14, 01/24/2017,
                                        Claims and Conveyance Process,   8200-8201.
                                        Property Inspection/ Preservation.

            *  HUD                      NOTICE: FHA-Insured Mortgage   Federal Register, Vol.    Apr. 03, 2017
                                        Loan Servicing for Performing   82, No. 19, 01/31/2017,
                                        Loans Including: Collection and   8837-8838.
                                        Payment of Mortgage Insurance
                                        Premiums, Escrow Administration,
                                        Providing Loan Information and
                                        Customer Services, Assessment of
                                        Post Endorsement Fees and
                                        Charges and Servicing Section 235

            *  HUD                      NOTICE: Multifamily            Federal Register, Vol.    Apr. 03, 2017
                                        Accelerated Processing (MAP)   82, No. 19, 01/31/2017,
                                        Guide.                         8838-8839.

            *  HUD                      NOTICE: Understanding Rapid    Federal Register, Vol.    Apr. 10, 2017
                                        Re-Housing Study.              82, No. 24, 02/07/2017,

                National Credit Union   INTERIM RULE: Revisions to     Federal Register, Vol.    Jan. 23, 2017
                Administration          Freedom of Information Act     81, No. 246,
                                        Regulation.                    12/22/2016, 93792-
                (NCUA)                                                 93795.
                                                                                              (Interim rule effective:
                                                                                                 Dec. 22, 2016)

            *  NCUA                     INTERIM RULE: Civil            Federal Register, Vol.    Feb. 22, 2017
                                        Monetary Penalties.            82, No. 13, 01/23/2017,

                                                                                              (Interim rule effective:
                                                                                                 Jan. 23, 2017)

            *  NCUA                     ADVANCED NOTICE of             Federal Register, Vol.    May. 09, 2017
                                        PROPOSED RULEMAKING:           82, No. 25, 02/08/2017,
                                        Alternative Capital.           9691-9702.

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