Page 5 - Yampa Valley Bank flipbook_Neat
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Yampa Valley Bank
                600 South Lincoln Avenue
                Steamboat Springs, CO  80477
                FDIC Certificate #: 35407      Bank Charter Class: NM
                                                                                                 Yampa Valley
                                                                               Yampa Valley          Bank
                Definition                                                  Steamboat Spring,     Spring, CO
                                                                            December 31, 2016    December 31,
                          Performance and Condition Ratios
                        1  % of unprofitable institutions                                  N/A               N/A
                        2  % of institutions with earnings gains                           N/A               N/A
                                                  Performance Ratios (%, annualized)   (Year-to-date)   (Year-to-date)
                        3  Yield on earning assets                                       4.80%            4.82%
                        4  Cost of funding earning assets                                0.19%            0.21%
                        5  Net interest margin                                           4.61%            4.61%
                        6  Noninterest income to assets                                  0.74%            0.71%
                        7  Noninterest expense to assets                                 3.06%            3.09%
                        8  Loan and lease loss provision to assets                           0                 0
                        9  Net operating income to assets                                2.00%            1.89%
                       10   Return on assets (ROA)                                       2.01%            1.89%
                       11   Pretax return on assets                                      2.01%            1.89%
                       12   Return on equity (ROE)                                      21.68%           20.03%
                       13   Retained earnings to average equity (YTD only)               8.01%            7.30%
                                                                                        -0.05%            -0.03%
                       14   Net charge-offs to loans and leases
                       15   Loan and lease loss provision to net charge-offs                 0                 0
                       16   Earnings coverage of net loan charge-offs (x)                  N/A               N/A
                       17   Efficiency ratio                                            60.51%           62.08%
                       18   Assets per employee ($ millions)                               4.50             4.36
                       19   Cash dividends to net income (YTD only)                     63.04%           63.57%
                          Condition Ratios (%)
                       20   Earning assets to total assets                              93.85%           92.88%
                       21   Loss allowance to loans and leases                           1.88%            2.16%
                       22   Loss allowance to noncurrent loans and leases              257.93%          338.37%
                       23   Noncurrent assets plus other real estate owned to            0.62%            0.64%
                                                                                         0.73%            0.64%
                       24   Noncurrent loans to loans
                       25   Net loans and leases to assets                              75.18%           69.30%
                       26   Net loans and leases to deposits                            83.18%           77.30%
                       27   Net loans and leases to core deposits                       87.03%           81.58%
                       28   Domestic deposits to total assets                           90.39%           89.64%
                       29   Equity capital to assets                                     9.02%            9.28%
                       30   Core capital (leverage) ratio                                9.00%            9.28%
                       31   Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio                             11.18%           11.67%
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