Page 2 - December Newsletter
P. 2
Our Leaders
I am sure everyone understands that your
position within the city has little to do with you
being an “official” leader or not. A position of
leadership or a title doesn’t make someone a
leader but has an expectation of being
responsible for a certain section or process. We
have leaders in all ranks and positions here.
Leaders show themselves because it is who they
are, regardless of their title. Generally, a leader
focuses on and develops people, versus the
processes or systems people work with.
Life experience has value beyond measure and
is earned whether you like it or not. Sometimes
the hardest things we deal with in our lives, both
personal and professional, can make us a better
employee, friend, teammate, leader, manager
and person.
Experience gives us knowledge we can apply to
future situations and makes us wise. I use my life
experience in leadership all the time. From
avoiding past mistakes I have made, to trying to replicate things great leaders have shown me.
A few leadership skills I have learned that I value are:
Honest communication, treat others how you want to be treated, be fair, hold accountability, be
accountable, and care.
I have had many great leaders in my life, and I tend to forget the ones that weren’t. I will tell a story
about a great one and I will tell you what I learned from his style of leadership.