Page 2 - February Newsletter
P. 2
Get to Know Your Coworkers!
Name & Position
Jen Poindexter
Engineering Admin Specialist
Camping with the family and
riding in the mountains is my
Best Thing About Working For
the City
First for me is my coworkers. We are
all such a cohesive unit (regardless
of what department we're all from)
and it just makes my day so much
more enjoyable to have great people
on my team. Secondly I do really
enjoy working with the public (even
the not so pleasant interactions). It
makes me happy to help people!
Last Show You Binged
Can’t Live Without
Dental Floss and Lip Balm (I literally
have it everywhere - car, purse, desk,
bedside, bathroom, in the arm of my's just who I am HAHA!)
If You Could Choose A
Superpower, What Would it Be?
To be able to teleport. How great
would it be to just be at your
destination (preferably
somewhere tropical and warm)
with the snap of a finger?
Would you like to be featured in our monthly Employee Spotlight?
If so, click here to fill out the form - then look for your turn in future