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                                                 Tenaga Pengajar:
                                                    - Pekerti                                              Tab 3
                                                    - Applied Approad (AA)
                                                    - Training of Trainer PHPL
                                                    - Training of Trainer GCG
                                                    - Risk Management Training
                                                    - Menyusun Konten E-Learning untuk Organisasi
                                                 Asesor Soft Komptensi:
                                                    - Assessment Center Assessor Certification
                                                    - Behavior-Event Interview
                                                    - Powerfull Investigative of Interview
                                                    - Coaching Essential
                                                    - Coaching and Counselling Skill
                                                    - Developing Assessment Center Tools
                                                    - Graphology for Recruitment & Selection
                                                 Asesor Hard Kompetensi:
                                                    - Pelatihan  Asesor  Kompetensi  -  Badan  Sertifikasi
                                                       Nasional (BNSP)
                                                 Lain-lain:
                                                    - Penulisan  Dokumen  Aplikasi  Malcolm  Baldrige
                                                       Criteria For Performance Excellence (MBCFPE)
                                                    - Interpretation Training on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria
                                                       For Performance Excellence (MBCFPE)
                                                    - Interpretasi KPKU BUMN
                                                    - Evaluator KPKU BUMN
                                                    - Analisa Jabatan dan Beban Kerja
                                                    - Financial for non Finance Training-Prasetya Mulya
                                                    - Business     Management     Development     Program-
                                                       Prasetya Mulya
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