Page 157 - 如溪邊喬木40th 紀念特刊 _Neat
P. 157
FPCOC Missional Strategy and Tasks
ur Lord Jesus told the disciples to go into the world to spread the gospel and let the
O people become his followers. We as a local church also have to follow this great com-
mission to spread the gospel of the Lord and evangelism is often achieved by providing ser-
vices and caring for the people in the community.
Individual church is usually limited by its locality. Due to the limited resources, an effective
mission strategy is usually achieved by partnering and cooperating with other churches and
organizations and above all the concerted effort of a congregation with a heart for mission.
After many years of trial, review and adjusting, FPCOC’s missionary strategy can be divid-
ed into three areas: "Local”, "Mid-Range” and "Long Distance":
From our church location as the center point, spread the good news to the Taiwanese
people in Orange County through worship, fellowship, small groups and community out-
reach classes.
Support the Taiwanese second and third generation ministry and hopefully to pass the
ministry baton.
In the city of Garden Grove where the church is located, work closely with two Spanish-
speaking congregations (ADF and SDASAB) as mission partners, to support the Span-
ish-speaking community and immigrants living nearby.
Participate with neighboring Wintersburg Presbyterian Church in their Hot Meals and
Shower Services for the homeless.
Join with Irvine Presbyterian Church’s missionary team to provide scholarships and school
supplies/backpacks to students in El Niño City close to the Mexican border.
Long Distance: Focus on supporting the needs of native Taiwanese aboriginal mission
and Christian medical institution in Taiwan, including:
Provide Yu-Shan Theological Seminary Student Scholarship。Provide transportation
expenses for Seminary students who return to the original tribal churches during the
weekends to serve.
Focus on Taiwan's urban Aboriginal missions and provide financial support for their
needs (Urban Aboriginal experience is like tribal immigration to cities in Taiwan).
Continued support to Heng Chun Christian Hospital.
Through the in-depth survey and updates from Pastor Dong Junlan and Pastor Hu Shuzhen
of Yushan Theological Seminary College, our congregation gained more understanding of
the current status and needs of urban aboriginal missions in Taiwan. In addition to the fi-
nancial support provided by FPCOC, our congregation members hope to be more directly
involved in the mission efforts to further contribute to the spreading of the gospel.