Page 13 - Perspectives Vol.15 Issue 2
P. 13

Examples of equity in action are all around us. These include family leave, employee resource groups, closed captioning on videos, all-gender restrooms, nursing rooms, and curb cuts. In each of these examples, people’s needs were being met so they could be included and prosper.
You can do a quick equity analysis of your policies, programs, products, and services by regularly asking the following questions:
1. Who is benefitting from this decision?
2. Who is being burdened (often unintentionally)?
Let’s explore a quick equity analysis on a common workplace policy: dress code. Dress codes are a set of guidelines— generally written in formal policy—regarding workplace attire. Dress codes are based on and are symbolic of
various culture norms. They often vary by such things as organization, geography, culture, and religious affiliation.
In the United States, a common component of dress codes includes not wearing anything that covers one’s head (e.g., hats). The general sentiment of this particular dress code is: “We don’t allow people to wear hats to work.”
A quick equity analysis tells us this policy may not be inclusive. The people who are unintentionally burdened by this policy include people who would like to wear a head covering after losing hair during a medical treatment and those who wear turbans or hijabs as a part of their religious practice.
This type of policy was not intended to cause a lack of inclusion. However, unless you do an equity analysis, you are not going to understand the potential impact of a decision.
As our communities and workplaces become more diverse, the practice of equity is necessary to create an environment that is inclusive and in which everyone can thrive. Equity is fundamentally about closing the distance between us, not closing the gate between us. It is about authentic relationships, understanding the strength in our diversity, and knowing what each of us needs to live up to our fullest potential. This cannot be done when we “stranger” one another. This can only be done when we see each other as guest, neighbor, and friend.
Angela Russell is VP/diversity, equity, and inclusion at CUESolutions Platinum provider CUNA Mutual Group, Madison, Wis.
    In an equity model, we are focused on equality of outcome.
 2020 Perspectives 11

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