Page 14 - Perspectives Vol.15 Issue 2
P. 14

 Remote Auditing
Becomes the
New Normal
Chad Stanislav, Vice President, Credit Union Resources, Inc.
 These are strange times. Highways are empty, city centers are deserted, and the songs of birds are audible again because air traffic has nearly disappeared. While the physical world takes a break, the digital world is busier than ever.
On-site auditing has been the default since the dawn of credit unions, and it worked well until the digital age came into
its own. Then, the time and cost considerations of on-site auditing were often dismissed because of tradition and the fear of change. But little by little, more credit unions took advantage of the technologies in document management
and automated auditing. That slow row to digitalization has changed.
Now, remote meetings, remote collaboration tools, and remote business continuity requirements are consequences of our new “temporary” normal and the Rubicon to the new era of productivity once the pandemic has gone the way of the cassette tape. The speed of digital transformation has been accelerated, and ground-to-virtual conditions have permanently elevated the need for digitalized auditing, reporting, and recordkeeping.
True, while remote work can be more efficient, it can pose unique challenges. For example, workers must juggle childcare, inefficient access to the full range of company
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