Page 29 - May 2020
P. 29
Groundbreaking Ceremony Postponed
In response to the restrictions resulting from the pandemic, the planned Groundbreaking
Ceremony for the new Museum will be postponed until it is safe for us to gather. However, we are
pleased to report that after a great deal of consideration and consultation, and ensuring we are
compliant with isolation measures, construction of the Museum (as of today - April 8, 2020) will
proceed as planned on May 1, 2020 at our new Museum site at 2088 Wellington Avenue. We will
continue to abide by the Provincial Health Guidelines knowing parameters are changing on a daily
The health and wellbeing of our community is priority one and we know once this is all over - and it
will be over - that we will be able to come together to celebrate and share our aviation history!
Bruce Emberley, Board Chair
Terry Slobodian, President & CEO