Page 32 - November (Remembrance)2020
P. 32

Book of the Month

                                                                          Support for Cadets

                                                          The Royal Canadian Legion has a long and valued
                                                          partnership with Cadets Canada.  The Cadets Program
                                                          fosters youth leadership, citizenship, and volunteerism and
                                                          promotes Canadian and military values.

                                                          Cadets volunteer to help the Legion with the Poppy
                                                          Campaign, support our Veterans and take active roles in
                                                          commemorative ceremonies across Canada.  These young
                                                          men and women play a vital role in supporting Legion
                                                          activities and promoting Remembrance.  In return, Legion
                                                          Branches provide financial support to help them grow.

                                                          In addition to being a major sponsor and supporter of
                                                          Cadet Corps, Units and Squadrons across the country, the
        Bestselling author John Nichol’s passionate
        portrait of this magnificent fighter aircraft, its   Legion sponsors the Cadet Medal of Excellence which
                                                          honours outstanding Cadets.  It is awarded in recognition
        many innovations and updates, and the people
                                                          of individual endeavors in citizenship which enhance the
        who flew and loved them, carries the reader
        beyond the dogfights over Kent and Sussex.        aims and objectives of the Canadian Cadet movement.
                                                          Also each year, the Sea, Army and Air cadet leagues choose
        Spanning the full global reach of the Spitfire’s
        deployment during WWII, from Malta to North       their respective top cadet.  The winning Cadets act as
                                                          wreath bearers at the National Remembrance Day
        Africa and the Far East, then over the D-Day
                                                          Ceremony in Ottawa.
        beaches, it is always accessible, effortlessly
        entertaining and full of extraordinary spirit.         Your Royal Canadian Legion is
        Here are edge-of-the-seat stories and heart-       committed to making a difference in
        stopping first-hand accounts of battling pilots         the lives of Veterans and their
        forced to bail out over occupied territory; of
        sacrifice and wartime love; of aristocratic female  families, providing essential services

        flyers, and of the mechanics who braved the                  in our communities, and
        Nazi onslaught to keep the aircraft in battle-
        ready condition.  Nichol takes the reader on a      remembering the men and women
        hair-raising, nail-biting and moving wartime            who sacrificed for our country.
        history of the iconic Spitfire populated by a cast
        of redoubtable, heroic characters that make you
        want to stand up and cheer.                                       Join Today!
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