Page 10 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 10
stance signified, among the sailors, what " Little
Corporal/' * Iron Duke/* f( Rough and Ready ”
did among the soldiers of Napoleon, Wellington,
and Zachary Taylor; it was a term of endear
Up to the time of his receiving this name, how
ever, Oosisoak was not a civilized dog. He was,
in fact, a veritable savage, and it was amusing
sometimes to observe his contempt for civilized
custom He would not sleep in a house, he
would not liide from an enemy, lie would not
harm the defenceless. These were some of his
savage traits.
Thus savage as lie seemed disposed to remain,
there is yet no evidence that he regretted his
separation from tlie man who named him Oosi-
soak. This man was even more savage than the
dog, for lie could not be civilized at all. His
name was Sipsu— “ Sipsu the savage" he was
called; and his looks did not belie his name. He
clothed himself in the skins of wild beasts,
and fed upon their flesh. In sunmier he lived in
a tent made of skins, and in winter in a hut