Page 25 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 25
0 til or dogs were doing tlieir duty as well as she
Such were the does that made up my own
particular team. These were Jack's immediate
companions; and it is proper, therefore* that I
should describe them more exactly than the
others, about which, however, 1 may have some-
J thing to say again.
In noting Jack's companions it will be seen
how each differed from the others, not only in
colour and form, but in individual character.
No two of them were alike in moral and mental
attainments. Erebus was proud and overbear
ing ; Jack was proud and dignified; Karsuk was
satisfied with anything* i£ only left undisturbed;
Whitey was lazy, and particularly desired to be
let alone; Schnapps was full of tricks, and as
fond of mischief as Mephistopheles, Amna-aya
was graceful and cowardly; Arkadik was awk
ward, and possessed great spirit.
As for Jack, his dignity of demeanour was not
on any occasion to be disturbed. It was evident
at once that he was an original, and you felt