Page 31 - Jack's victory and other stories about dogs
P. 31

oxen.     If  you  want an  ox  to  go  to  the right  you

                             say  “-lee;”  if  to  the  left,  “ Whaw;”  if  to  start,

                              “ G’lang;"  if to  stop,  **Woah;“ and  if  they do  not

                             obey  you,  you  give  them  a  gentle reminder with
                              the  whip  or goad

                                 jtn  like  manner  with  a  team  of  dogs,  if  you

                              want  tbem  to  go'  to  the  right  you  cry  (<  Huk,
                              jink;'*  if  to  the left, “ Nu,  nu”  If you want  them

                              to start  yon  cry ulva, ka;”  if to stop, IfE 5gh, eigh;”

                              and,  as  with  the  oxen,  if  they  will  not  do  all

                              those  things  when you  tell  them  to,  then  comes

                              the  whip.
                                 This  whip  is  necessarily  very  long.  The  lash

                              is  two  feet  longer  than  the  traces  of  the  dogs,

                              and  being  tipped with  hard  dry  sinew, by way of

                              "cracker,” it  tingles very sharply where  it strikes.

                              But  to  handle  it  requires  a  very  strong arm  and
                               an  accurate  aim;  for  at  eighteen  feet  distance,an

                               awkward  hand with so  long  a  lash, would  hit  the

                               wrong  dog  nine  times  out  of  ten,  and  thus  make
                               a  deal  of  confusion.  A   dog  knows  as  well  as  a

                               man when  lie  is ’behaving himself and when  he is

                               not,  and  he  is  no  more  able  to  see why  he  should
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