Page 379 - Oliver Twist
P. 379

else knows anything; and if you have it in your power to produce any
               evidence which will alter the unfavourable opinion T was once induced to

               entertain of that poor child, in Heaven’s name put me in possession of it.’

                ’A bad one! T’ll eat my head if he is not a bad one,’ growled Mr. Grimwig,
                speaking by some ventriloquial power, without moving a muscle of his

                ’He is a child of a noble nature and a warm heart,’ said Rose, colouring; ’and

               that Power which has thought fit to try him beyond his years, has planted in
               his breast affections and feelings which would do honour to many who
               have numbered his days six times over.’

                ’T’m only sixty-one,’ said Mr. Grimwig, with the same rigid face. ’And, as

               the devil’s in it if this Oliver is not twelve years old at least, T don’t see the
               application of that remark.’

                ’Do not heed my friend, Miss Maylie,’ said Mr. Brownlow; ’he does not
               mean what he says.’

                ’Yes, he does,’ growled Mr. Grimwig.

                ’No, he does not,’ said Mr. Brownlow, obviously rising in wrath as he

                ’He’ll eat his head, if he doesn’t,’ growled Mr. Grimwig.

                ’He would deserve to have it knocked off, if he does,’ said Mr. Brownlow.

                ’And he’d uncommonly like to see any man offer to do it,’ responded Mr.
               Grimwig, knocking his stick upon the floor.

               Having gone thus far, the two old gentlemen severally took snuff, and
               afterwards shook hands, according to their invariable custom.
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