Page 448 - Oliver Twist
P. 448

’Anything new up in town, Ben?’ asked the game-keeper, drawing back to
               the window-shutters, the better to admire the horses.

                'No, nothing that T knows on,’ replied the man, pulling on his gloves. 'Corn’s

               up a little. T heerd talk of a murder, too, down Spitalfields way, but T don’t
               reckon much upon it.’

                ’Oh, that’s quite true,’ said a gentleman inside, who was looking out of the
               window. 'And a dreadful murder it was.’

                'Was it, sir?’ rejoined the guard, touching his hat. 'Man or woman, pray,

                ’A woman,’ replied the gentleman. ’Tt is supposed-- ’

                ’Now, Ben,’ replied the coachman impatiently.

                ’Damn that ’ere bag,’ said the guard; ’are you gone to sleep in there?’

                ’Coming!’ cried the office keeper, running out.

                'Coming,' growled the guard. 'Ah, and so’s the young 'ooman of property

               that’s going to take a fancy to me, but T don’t know when. Here, give hold.
               All ri--ight!’

               The horn sounded a few cheerful notes, and the coach was gone.

                Sikes remained standing in the street, apparently unmoved by what he had
               just heard, and agitated by no stronger feeling than a doubt where to go. At

               length he went back again, and took the road which leads from Hatfield to
                St. Albans.

               He went on doggedly; but as he left the town behind him, and plunged into
               the solitude and darkness of the road, he felt a dread and awe creeping upon

               him which shook him to the core. Every object before him, substance or
                shadow, still or moving, took the semblance of some fearful thing; but
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