Page 28 - Reflections on the Danger of a Single Story
P. 28
This Ted Talk was very interesting I particularly enjoyed how she defined what is a single story. A single story is a show of people as one thing only thing one thing over and over again. Additionally, I enjoyed how she explained how economics and politics has a large role and if you want to dispose of the people the simplest way to do it is to say the story using secondly. A very common single story that people have towards me being Dominican is that I love plantains and that I do not wear socks. When I first encountered these stories they would bother me but now I just dismiss it.
An experience that I encountered was last year with my students. I took six of my students to the Museum of American History after we finished exploring the museum and eating my students asked me to take them to Starbucks. In Starbucks, there was a Caucasian lady from her appearance, she seemed like a tourist. Additionally, 5 of the six students were Hispanic some were fair skinned while others were medium and tan skinned except for one of my students he is African American and his skin complexion is dark. All the students were calm having their Starbucks drinks some sitting on the bench while others were standing. A seat had opened up in the table where the Caucasian lady was sitting the moment the seat opened up the lady took the chair and placed her bag. The African American student told me, Ms. M, that lady does not stop looking at me. After, a couple of minutes I noticed that the lady did not remove her eyes from the African American student. The student began to feel uncomfortable because she was just staring at him. The Caucasian lady had company she would look at my student and speak in a foreign language. Her facial expressions towards the student were with disgust. When we were leaving the Starbucks she said “ finally they are leaving” so I could not hold my composure any longer and I told her they are kids spending their own money if management did not complain than who are you to be complaining and murmuring. Unfortunately, to say I have had a single story about certain ethnic groups. Sometimes even I can be naive the media portrays certain ethnic groups a particular way.