Page 2 - NYSGU Program Update
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    The Bronx Institute organized visits to several college fairs for NYSGU students, bringing students one step closer to matriculating in college. By connecting students directly with representatives from top-tier colleges and universities, The Bronx Institute instills in students that going to college is not only a possibility, but well within reach.
Here are some of the highlights:
• Students from Kingsbridge International High School attended a college fair at Monroe College in The Bronx. Representatives from SUNY, CUNY, and private colleges and universities attended, giving the students a chance to speak with college professionals from a variety of schools.
• Representatives from over 40 public and private colleges attended a college fair at
Renaissance High School for Musical Theater and Technology, a GEAR UP partner school. The fair was a unique opportunity for several dozen students to engage with college professionals and discuss academic interests.
• A SUNY-sponsored college fair was held at the Fashion Institute of Technology, specifically for NYSGU students. In attendance were representatives from 64 colleges and universities from all over the country, encompassing
over 4,000 majors. Students at the fair spoke with admissions professionals and learned about the different majors offered and campus life and culture at each school.
• NYSGU students attended a college fair held at Fordham University. The fair featured over 60 colleges and community-based organizations, covering important information about each school, college readiness, and the college-going process in general.
Bronx Institute partner schools also had the opportunity to participate in financial aid and professional development workshops.
One of The Bronx Institute’s (BI) primary objectives is to close the achievement gap in The Bronx, while introducing students and families to the concept of a “college-going culture.” Through an innovative slate of programming and the support of NYSGU, we are moving ever closer to fulfilling that mission.
The Bronx Institute/New York State workshops. Families and teachers at
GEAR UP program at Lehman
College continues to provide the students of The Bronx with high-quality services and programming, designed to engage, support, and inform both students and families, while increasing academic outcomes.
Last semester, students participated in a wide range of college preparation activities, including college-level coursework, as well as STEM, financial aid literacy, and social development
College Fairs

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