Page 13 - 2025 Nonprofit Industry Trends
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 Strategic planning is vital for setting long-term goals and identifying the   The  economic  environment  in  2025  is  likely  to  be  characterized  by
 steps needed to achieve them. This includes conducting SWOT analyses   increased  demand  for  nonprofit  services  due  to  economic  uncertainties   DAVID GOLDSTEIN  JUDY SIEGEL
 (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), setting  SMART goals   and  social  challenges.  At  the  same  time,  funding  sources  may  become   PARTNER & CHAIR OF NONPROFIT/TAX EXEMPT/
 (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound), and regularly   more competitive, requiring nonprofits to demonstrate greater efficiency   RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS PRACTICE GROUP  SENIOR STAFF ATTORNEY
                                                                                                     PROBONO PARTNERSHIP
 reviewing  and  adjusting  plans  based  on  performance  and  changing   and impact. By adopting business-like practices, nonprofits can:  CERTILMAN BALIN, ADLER, & HYMAN, LLP
 ►  Ensure Financial Stability: Building a surplus and diversifying funding   This is a particularly difficult moment for nonprofit leadership and for the sector. The changing political environment is   As we transition into 2025, nonprofits face several critical challenges. One of the
 6.  EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY  sources can provide financial security and enable growth.  producing increased scrutiny, as well as an increase in legislative, regulatory, and judicial challenges. This is combined with   most  significant  is  the  uncertainty  about  the  impact  of  the  new  administration
    the pantheon of challenges already facing nonprofits, including pressures from funders, a shifting fundraising environment,   on the country, the economy, and the nonprofit sector. While we may speculate
 Leveraging technology can streamline operations, improve communication,   ►  Improve Operational Efficiency: Strategic planning, technology adoption,   a shifting workforce and workplace, as well as the continuing need to upgrade information technology infrastructure and   on shifts in government funding and the government’s agenda in sectors where
    protect against cybersecurity threats.
 and enhance program delivery. This includes using CRM systems for donor   and ROI focus can optimize resource use and program effectiveness.  nonprofits regularly serve as society’s safety net (environment, educational equity,
                                                                                                     health and human services), we can’t know what will actually transpire.
 management,  data  analytics  for  decision-making,  and  digital  marketing   In the face of this array of challenges, nonprofit leaders cannot and must not take their eyes off the proverbial governance
 tools to reach a broader audience. Investing in technology can increase   ►  Enhance Donor Relationships:  Treating  donors  like  customers  can   ball. I often point out to my clients that nonprofit governance is not rocket science. While this reality is comforting, and   Relatedly, nonprofits are already facing the dual pressures of diminishing resources
    good governance is readily attainable, it is not easy. It takes a continual commitment to systematically implementing
 efficiency and effectiveness. Nonprofits are expected to continue adopting   increase loyalty and support.  governance requirements and best practices. This commitment and level of effort needs to be consistently maintained –   and increasing demand for services. As funding sources (most likely) continue to
 new digital opportunities to reach their audiences and improve efficiencies.  ►  Attract and Retain Talent: Investing in staff development can build a   even in times such as these, where nonprofits face so many other challenges.  Quite simply, nonprofit leaders cannot afford   constrict, nonprofits will need to utilize various strategies to increase sustainability,
                                                                                                     including shared services agreements, program cut-backs, and mergers or other
    to divert their attention from governance requirements. Governance requirements are, quite literally, the law. Failure to
 7.  MONITOR AND ADAPT TO ECONOMIC TRENDS  strong, committed team.  comply, no matter what the extenuating circumstances may be, creates a crescendo of risks that jeopardize the operations,   forms of strategic partnerships.
    funding, and reputation of a nonprofit, and ultimately can compromise its ability to fulfill its mission. Moreover, governance
 The  economic  landscape  in  2025  is  expected  to  be  challenging,  with   ►  Maintain Trust and Accountability: Strong governance and compliance   failures can, and far too frequently do, lead to breach of fiduciary duty claims against officers and Board members of   Finally, the ongoing challenge of hiring and retaining qualified staff will remain a
                                                                                                     pressing issue as nonprofits struggle to offer competitive salaries, provide workers
    nonprofits, which in turn can lead to personal liability for officers and Board members. Nonprofits are well-advised to avoid
 increased demand for nonprofit services due to economic uncertainties and   practices ensure ethical operations and enhance credibility.  a descent down these slippery slopes, and to renew and maintain their commitment to good and sound governance, as well   with living wages, and introduce innovative alternative benefits to make working in
 social challenges. Nonprofits must stay informed about economic trends   By making this pivot, nonprofits can better navigate the challenges of 2025,   as to compliance with all applicable governance requirements, particularly in these highly charged and challenging times.  the nonprofit sector more attractive.
 and adapt their strategies accordingly. This includes diversifying funding   ensuring they continue to fulfill their missions and make a positive impact   It starts with the basics, like properly electing your Board and delivering the required annual financial report – each at the   To  successfully  navigate  these  challenges,  nonprofits  will  need  to  engage  in
 sources, building partnerships, and exploring new revenue streams. Many   on the communities they serve.  mandatory annual meeting. You need to always be sure that all of your corporate actions are properly authorized, and   thoughtful introspection and create a detailed assessment of the programs and
 financial experts remain optimistic that the economy will improve, which   to make sure that all of your activities fall squarely within the purposes set forth in your Certificate of Incorporation. You   services  they  provide  to  determine  if  they  are  sustainable.  Organizations  must
 could encourage donor generosity.  need to make sure that your Bylaws comply with the many requirements and mandatory provisions of the Not-for-Profit   consider if they are employing the most cost-effective methods for implementing
    Corporation Law, and that your policies (for example, your Conflict of Interest Policy, Investment Policy, and Whistleblower   their programs and services, and also determine if they are best-equipped to provide
 8.  ENHANCE GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE  Policy) and committees comply with all applicable legal requirements.  the services. Nonprofits will need to be open to the possibility that partnerships or
    Don’t forget succession planning and strategic planning for the long-term sustainability of the organization and its ability   collaborations may better serve the community. Perhaps there are other nonprofits
 Strong governance and compliance practices are essential for maintaining   MATTHEW BURKE, CPA  to accomplish its mission. And throw in the need to do all of the above (and more that we don’t have space to go into here)   with whom they can partner, or even transition their services to other providers.
 trust and accountability. This involves having a clear governance structure,   PARTNER  while still building and maintaining engagement with the Board and staff, as well as with the organization’s supporters and   Additionally, nonprofits should focus on creating non-financial reasons for workers
                                                                                                     to choose to remain in the sector, like flexible work arrangements, robust training
 regular  board  meetings,  transparent  financial  reporting,  and  adherence   CERINI & ASSOCIATES, LLP  donors. Did I mention the fundamental importance of maintaining appropriate internal financial controls, and assuring   programs,  mentorships,  and  offering  other  career  and  personal  development
    compliance with the ever expanding raft of regulations and governance requirements facing nonprofits? You need to do all
 to  legal  and  regulatory  requirements.  Good  governance  ensures  ethical   of this from the twin imperatives of protecting both the organization and the individual Board members and officers from   opportunities.
 practices and enhances credibility with donors and stakeholders.  liability.

    Nonprofits will need to continue to evolve, and to continue to adapt, and now at an unparalleled pace because of the
    quantity, quality, and diversity of the challenges facing them in the upcoming year. And all the while doing this while
    keeping their eyes carefully trained on the proverbial governance ball that is always up in the air.
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