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ENHANCING VOLUNTEER                                                                                                                                                3.                  PERSONALIZED COMMUNICATION:
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            ENGAGEMENT IN 2025                                                                                                                                                   Tailoring  communication  to  individual  volunteers  can  make  them  feel  valued
                                                                                                                                                                                 and  appreciated.  Regular  updates  on  the  impact  of  their  contributions  and
                                                                                                                                                                                 personalized  thank-you  messages  can  strengthen  their  connection  to  the
                                                                                                                                                                               4.                    TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT:

                                                                                                                                                                                 Providing training and development opportunities can help volunteers feel more
             I   n  2025,  nonprofits  can  significantly  improve  volunteer  engagement  by   ►  VolunteerMark:  Features  volunteer  imports,  skill-based  assignments,      competent and confident in their roles. This investment in their growth can lead
                                                                                                                                                                                 to higher retention rates and more effective volunteer work.
                 focusing  on  flexibility,  technology,  and  recognition.  Here  are  some  key   and self-updating profiles with plans.
            strategies:                                                                        ►  Volgistics:  Delivers  customizable  solutions  with  self-scheduling,        5.                   RECOGNITION AND REWARDS:

           1.                    FLEXIBLE OPPORTUNITIES:                                          background checks, and secure site-level access for volunteer data.            Recognizing  and  rewarding  volunteers  for  their  efforts  is  crucial.  This  can  be
                                                                                               ►  Rosterfy:  Includes  gamified  recognition,  workflow  automation,  and        done through awards, public acknowledgments, or small tokens of appreciation.
            Offering  flexible  schedules  and  remote  volunteering  options  can  attract  a    skills-based training modules for streamlined volunteer management.            Celebrating  their  contributions  fosters  a  sense  of  community  and  motivates
            diverse range of volunteers. This approach accommodates different lifestyles                                                                                         continued involvement.
            and commitments, making it easier for people to contribute their time and skills.  ►  Submittable:  Empowers corporate volunteers with  dashboards,                 6.
           2.                    LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY:                                           automated  communications,  and  tools  for  creating  team  volunteer                    UNDERSTANDING VOLUNTEER DEMOGRAPHICS:
            Utilizing AI and other technologies can streamline volunteer management. AI        ►  Mobilize: Enhances engagement with post-event feedback, grassroots             According to Double the Donation, most U.S.-based volunteers are between the
                                                                                                                                                                                 ages of 35 and 44. Recognizing this demographic can help nonprofits tailor their
            can match volunteers with tasks that suit their skills and interests, enhancing       opportunity management, and real-time reporting.                               recruitment and engagement strategies to better meet the needs and preferences
            their experience and satisfaction. Additionally, online platforms can facilitate                                                                                     of their volunteers.
            better communication and coordination.                                             ►  BetterImpact: Optimizes volunteer management with advanced search,
                                                                                                  recurring scheduling, and robust data security features.                      7.                CORPORATE VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS:
            ►  Bloomerang  Volunteer:  Streamlines  volunteer  management  with  custom
               forms, automated data transfers, scheduling tools, and a two-way sync with      ► Simplifies volunteer sign-ups with mobile-friendly pages,          Many  companies  are  increasingly  encouraging  their  employees  to  volunteer,
               Bloomerang’s donor CRM to cultivate donor-volunteer relationships.                 waitlist notifications, and a free starter plan.                               often offering volunteer grants and paid volunteer time off. Nonprofits can tap
                                                                                                                                                                                 into these corporate programs to expand their volunteer base and benefit from
            ►  Get Connected by Galaxy Digital: Offers streamlined event management,           ►  Golden: Manages large volunteer groups with location-based apps, CRM           additional resources.
               team  coordination,  and  volunteer  profiles  to  enhance  recruitment  and       integrations, and localized compliance tools.
               engagement.                                                                                                                                                      8.               HIGHLIGHTING VOLUNTEER BENEFITS:
                                                                                               ►  FestiVOL: Designed for event organizers with customizable applications,
            ►  Volunteer Local: Simplifies volunteer sign-ups with social sharing, custom         scheduling algorithms, and onsite management tools.                            Regular volunteerism offers numerous benefits, including personal fulfillment,
               registration forms, and sortable reports.                                                                                                                         professional skill development, and even health benefits. Communicating these
                                                                                               ►  POINT:  Streamlines  volunteer  activities  with  website  integration,  shift   advantages can attract more volunteers and encourage long-term commitment.
            ►  360MatchPro:  Focuses  on  volunteer  grant  eligibility  with  searchable         management, and automated time tracking, starting with a free plan.
               employer  databases,  embeddable  tools,  and  detailed  corporate  program                                                                                       By implementing these strategies, nonprofits can create a more engaging and
               insights.                                                                       ►  Plan Hero: Simplifies scheduling with auto-reminders, color-coded roles,       supportive environment for their volunteers, ensuring a sustainable and impactful
                                                                                                  and personal calendar sync for volunteers.                                     volunteer program in 2025.
            ►  SignUpGenius:  Provides  customizable  sign-up  pages,  auto-generated
               notifications, and a Premium plan.                                              ►  Helper Helper: Offers segmented opportunities, comprehensive reports,
                                                                                                  and personalized support for volunteer coordination.
            ►  Civic Champs:  Offers  mobile  check-ins,  group  onboarding,  and  filtered
               reporting to enhance volunteer engagement and ROI.                                                                                                                               TANIA QUIGLEY, CPA
                                                                                                                                                                                                CERINI & ASSOCIATES, LLP
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