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                                                 GLEN LANDOW                                                                     ALEX LIPSKY                                                                        DR. BERNIE FURSHPAN                                                                        LISA BURCH

                                                 PARTNER                                                                         CO-OWNER & PRESIDENT                                                               MARKETING,                                                                                 PRESIDENT & CEO
                                                 LANDOW AND                                                                      LIPSKY CONSTRUCTION                                                                PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA                                                                   EPIC LONG ISLAND
                                                 LANDOW ARCHITECTS                                                                                                                                                  THE HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TOLERANCE CENTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            There are many issues that will impact the nonprofit sector in 2025. At the top of my list is recruitment
     It is critical for the economic health of a nonprofit organization that a facility analysis be   Building in New York continues to grow more expensive, with labor, materials, and real estate                                                         and retention. Our sector is still struggling to come back from COVID – literally and figuratively. During the
     performed to determine the optimal amount of space necessary to support the mission,   costs  reaching  unprecedented  levels.  For  most  nonprofits,  the  single  greatest  challenge  is   Sustainable funding is one of the most significant challenges facing the   pandemic, many people switched careers in an effort to find more meaning in their work. For some that
     both now and in the foreseeable future. That analysis begins as zero-base budgeting.   capital budget control. The key to any construction project is the creation of a comprehensive   nonprofit sector. To ensure long-term stability and mission fulfillment,   meant leaving the nonprofit sector. And, for those who stayed, they became used to working remotely.
     Forget what you currently have. Start with what you actually need and work from there.  capital  budget.  This  budget  encompasses  not  just  direct  construction  costs  but  also  site   organizations should prioritize strategies for securing consistent and   Younger employees, who entered the workforce post covid, know nothing but remote work. Enticing them
                                                                                        development, architectural and engineering fees, expediting, real estate acquisition, financing,   reliable funding sources. This includes diversifying income streams, such   to come into the office, which in the direct service field is a must, is something we are still working on and
     The  analysis  may  involve  surveys,  questionnaires,  and  focus  groups  conducted  with   fundraising, insurance, and essential contingency and escalation allowances based on industry   as combining individual donations, grants, corporate partnerships, and   probably will be for a while.
     the various end users to gauge each stakeholder’s needs and expectations. Once the   best practices. Establishing this detailed roadmap early on ensures that the development team   social enterprise models. Establishing a strong endowment fund is also
     information  is  collected  and  culled,  a  Building  Program  showing  exactly  what  spaces   has a reliable framework to guide decisions throughout every phase—from capital fundraising to   essential for financial resilience, reducing dependence on unpredictable   Another issue is ensuring we have adequate resources to pay staff and provide quality services. There
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            are some who believe that you shouldn’t make a lot of money in the nonprofit sector. Many of us rely
     you need, their uses, sizes, number of occupants, adjacencies, required furniture and   design, construction, and ultimately The Ribbon-Cutting of Your New Facility!         funding, and focusing more on delivering impactful programs.             on government grants, fundraising, and reimbursement rates that have not increased at a rate that
     equipment,  and  additional  information  including  code  requirements  is  developed.  The   In Construction Management, we always refer back to the Project Management Triangle: Cost,                                                              keeps up with the cost of living. This makes it difficult to retain staff and difficult, for some, to even keep
     Building Program confirms the total square footage actually needed for the organization   Quality,  Time.  These  three  elements  are  interconnected,  and  addressing  one  without  careful   In  order  to  accomplish  this,  nonprofits  need  to  Improve  visitor   the lights on. Which means that we need to be focused on our advocacy efforts and be creative in our
     to operate efficiently. Too much or too little space leads to wasted financial resources   consideration of the others can create significant risks. For nonprofits, cost is often the primary   experiences  and  customer  service,  which  is  essential  for  keeping   partnerships with government, corporations, and private foundations.
     that would otherwise go towards improved and increased programming.                concern,  but  quality  and  time  are  equally  critical.  Quality  involves  designing  facilities  with   supporters  engaged  and  committed  to  an  organization’s  mission.
                                                                                        sustainability in mind, selecting low-maintenance equipment, adhering to evolving environmental   Non-profits should be mindful not to prioritize funding at the expense   In the face of current and anticipated challenges, nonprofits must adapt their operational strategies
     Additionally, from a development perspective, donor opportunities are easily identified   efficiency  standards,  and  hiring  reputable,  qualified  contractors.  Time  requires  proactive   of  educational  initiatives  and  their  public  mission,  as  doing  so  can   in significant ways. Two key areas of focus should be funding diversification and operational efficiency.
     from the Building Program as spaces and design elements can be used as affinity matches   planning, such as developing a comprehensive Gantt chart to track progress and preparing for   jeopardize  long-term  support.  Instead,  during  2025,  organizations   Firstly, the economic uncertainties ahead may adversely affect traditional funding sources. While grants
     for individual naming rights.                                                      disruptions during construction. Are you ready for the move-in date, or are unexpected delays   are advised to explore innovative approaches and leverage emerging   and revenues from services and events remain vital, nonprofits should actively pursue diverse funding
                                                                                        extending rental costs? Cost oversight involves ensuring accurate budgets, managing change                                                                          streams.  Exploring  innovative  solutions  such  as  social  enterprise  models  and  forging  nontraditional
     Finally, organizations should consider the development and strict adherence to a facilities   orders, avoiding unnecessary expenses, and maintaining proper records for audits.   technologies to strengthen and maintain meaningful connections with   partnerships can help create more stable and resilient revenue bases.
     management program which includes a regular schedule of short, medium, and long-                                                                                              their audiences.                                                         Secondly, as many nonprofits are tasked with doing more with less, streamlining operations becomes
     term inspections and replacements, along with a sinking fund for capital expenditures.    Future-proofing is now the cornerstone of every successful construction project, especially for                                                              essential  for  enhancing  efficiency.  Leveraging  technology  can  play  a  critical  role  in  this  effort.  By
     It is critical that money be set aside for the upkeep and inevitable replacement of critical   nonprofits. Sustainable design, forward-thinking building practices, and integrating technology                                                         embracing tools for fund management, donor engagement, and program delivery, organizations can
     infrastructure.                                                                    from  the  outset  are  essential  for  long-term  success.  Government  initiatives  are  driving  the                                                             optimize their operations. Incorporating project management software and data analytics can lead to
                                                                                        shift away from gas-fired appliances toward more sustainable electric solutions, such as VRFs                                                                       better outcome tracking and improved efficiency.
                                                                                        and heat pumps, to reduce carbon footprints and combat climate change. Beyond regulatory
                                                                                        compliance,  selecting  materials  that  minimize  maintenance  and  energy  usage  is  critical  to                                                                Furthermore,  investing  in  technology  solutions  such  as  Customer  Relationship  Management  (CRM)
                                                                                        managing operational costs over time. Additionally, as technology continues to evolve, installing                                                                   systems and digital marketing tools can significantly enhance outreach efforts and donor management
                                                                                        infrastructure like future-use chases during construction ensures your facility is prepared to                                                                      strategies.  By  adopting  these  changes,  nonprofits  can  position  themselves  to  navigate  the  evolving
                                                                                        adapt to advancements for decades to come.                                                                                                                          landscape and continue to fulfill their missions effectively.
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