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                                                    ECONOMIC PREDICTIONS FOR 2025                                                                                                                                                     IMPACT ON NONPROFITS

     1.                         STEADY GDP GROWTH                                      2.                   INFLATION AND INTEREST RATES                                     1.              DONOR BEHAVIOR AND GIVING PATTERNS                                2.          OPERATIONAL COSTS AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION

        The  U.S.  economy  is  expected  to  experience  steady  growth  in  2025.       Inflation  is  predicted  to  stabilize  around  2.2%  by  the  end  of  2025 .        Economic stability and growth can positively influence donor behavior,            With  a  strong  labor  market,  nonprofits  may  face  higher  operational
        Goldman Sachs Research forecasts a GDP growth rate of 2.5% for the                The  Federal  Reserve  is  expected  to  maintain  a  federal  funds  rate  of         leading to increased charitable contributions. However, nonprofits must be        costs,  particularly  in  terms  of  wages  and  benefits.  Efficient  resource
        year . This growth is driven by strong consumer spending, a resilient             approximately 3.5%, with a 10-year yield of 4.5% . While lower inflation               prepared for fluctuations in giving patterns due to economic uncertainties.       allocation and cost management will be essential to ensure that funds are
        labor market, and policy changes that are expected to boost economic              can ease some financial pressures on households, nonprofits may still                  Building strong relationships with donors and demonstrating the impact            used effectively to support their missions. Investing in technology and
        activity. While this is a positive outlook, nonprofits should be aware that       face challenges as donors adjust their giving in response to economic                  of their contributions will be key to maintaining support.                        automation can help streamline operations and reduce costs.
        economic growth can also lead to increased competition for donor dollars          conditions.  Additionally,  stable  interest  rates  can  impact  investment
        as more organizations vie for contributions.                                      income for endowments and other financial assets held by nonprofits.

     3.                      LABOR MARKET DYNAMICS                                     4.              POLICY CHANGES AND ECONOMIC IMPACT                                    3.               FUNDING AND INVESTMENT STRATEGIES                                4.               COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND SUPPORT

        The  unemployment  rate  is  projected  to  be  around  4.2%  in  2025 .  A       Policy changes, including potential tax reforms and tariff adjustments,                Stable  interest  rates  and  economic  growth  provide  opportunities  for       Nonprofits  will  need  to  focus  on  community-centric  fundraising  and
        strong labor market can lead to increased disposable income, potentially          are  expected  to  influence  the  economy.  For  instance,  the  extension  of        nonprofits to review and optimize their funding and investment strategies.        engagement  strategies.  Building  and  nurturing  a  sense  of  community
        boosting charitable donations. However, nonprofits may also face higher           the 2017 tax cuts and new tariffs on imports could have mixed effects                  Diversifying  income  streams,  such  as  exploring  new  fundraising             through local events, supporter circles, and personalized communication
        operational  costs  due  to  wage  pressures  and  competition  for  skilled      on economic growth .  Nonprofits  should  stay  informed  about  policy                avenues  and  enhancing  grant  applications,  can  help  mitigate  financial     can foster long-term relationships with donors. Emphasizing transparency
        workers. It’s crucial for nonprofits to balance these factors to maintain         developments  as  these  can  affect  both  their  funding  sources  and  the          risks.  Additionally,  prudent  investment  management  can  ensure  the          and impact reporting will also be crucial in gaining and retaining donor
        financial stability.                                                              economic environment in which they operate.                                            sustainability of endowments and reserves.                                        trust.


                                                                                                                                                                                 The economic predictions for 2025 present both opportunities and challenges for nonprofits. By staying informed about economic trends and adapting their
                                                                                                                                                                                 strategies accordingly, nonprofits can navigate the changing landscape and continue to make a positive impact. Embracing innovation, maintaining strong
                                                                                                                                                                                 donor relationships, and focusing on efficient resource management will be key to thriving in the year ahead.


                                                                                                                                                                                 [1]  The US economy is poised to beat expectations in 2025                                                  KEN CERINI, CPA, CFP, FABFA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MANAGING PARTNER
                                                                                                                                                                                 [2]  The U.S. economic year ahead -                                                                       CERINI & ASSOCIATES, LLP
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