Page 2 - Cerini & Associates Family Office Guide
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From the Editor - Albert Borghese, CPA

                        landscape. With evolving regulations, shifting economic conditions, and the growing
  Contributors     A    s  we  step  into  2025,  family  offices  are  facing  an  increasingly  complex  financial
                        need for strategic planning, it has never been more critical to ensure that your family’s
                  wealth  and  legacy  are  safeguarded  for  generations  to  come.  At  Cerini  &  Associates,  we
   GUEST WRITERS  recognize that managing a family office extends far beyond financial reporting—it requires   CONTENTS
                  a comprehensive, forward-thinking approach that aligns with your family’s unique goals and
   BRIAN ADELMAN   values.
     HAMROFF LLP  This  guide  has  been  carefully  curated  to  provide  insights  into  the  key  challenges  and
                  opportunities facing family offices today. Inside, you will find expert perspectives on:  WHY FAMILY OFFICES   UNDERSTANDING THE
                  ►  Optimizing Your  Operations: Why outsourcing your accounting team can   3  SHOULD CONSIDER           25   STRUCTURE OF A FAMILY
                     streamline financial management and enhance efficiency.                AN OUTSOURCED                      OFFICE: MORE THAN JUST
  EVAN S. BRANFMAN   ►  Navigating Challenges in 2025: The evolving landscape of family offices and how   ACCOUNTING TEAM      WEALTH MANAGEMENT
  APMATM, AWMATM, CRPSTM   to stay ahead.
     KUTTIN WEALTH   ►  Strategic Tax Planning: Maximizing tax efficiencies and ensuring compliance in   5  THE KEY CHALLENGES    29  CYBERSECURITY AND
     MANAGEMENT                                                                             FACING FAMILY OFFICES              DATA PRIVACY FOR FAMILY
                     a shifting regulatory environment.
                                                                                            TODAY: NAVIGATING THE              OFFICES: PROTECTING
                  ►  Estate & Legacy Planning: Safeguarding your family’s wealth through effective   EVOLVING LANDSCAPE IN     WEALTH AND PRIVACY IN
                     trust and estate structures.                                           2025                               AN INCREASINGLY DIGITAL
      EDITOR      ►  Philanthropy with Purpose:  Strengthening  your  impact  while  maintaining                               WORLD
                     financial sustainability.                                         9    HOW TO OPTIMIZE                    THE FAMILY BUSINESS: WHY
                  ►  Investment Strategies: Developing a portfolio that aligns with your family’s long-  TAX PLANNING     33   MOST DON’T LAST
                     term vision.                                                           FOR FAMILY OFFICES                 TO THE THIRD GENERATION
                  ►  The Family Business Lifecycle: Understanding why most family businesses don’t
                     survive beyond the third generation—and how to break the cycle.   13   TRUST & ESTATE PLANNING       35   PREPARING FOR THE
                                                                                            MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO             FUTURE OF YOUR FAMILY:
                  ►  Cybersecurity & Risk Management:  Protecting  your  assets  and  data  in  an                             STRATEGIC WEALTH
  ALBERT BORGHESE                                                                           CONSIDER (2025)
        CPA          increasingly digital world.                                                                               PLANNING FOR THE NEXT
  CERINI & ASSOCIATES, LLP  ►  Future-Proofing Your Family Office: Preparing for what’s next in an era of rapid   FLEXING YOUR   GENERATION
     (631) 868-1126                                                                    19
  ABORGHESE@CERINICPA.COM  change.                                                          PHILANTHROPIC MUSCLE:
  ASSOCIATE EDITOR  At Cerini & Associates, we take pride in being more than just accountants—we are trusted   CHOOSING THE RIGHT GIVING   39  SAFEGUARDING YOUR
                  advisors dedicated to helping family offices like yours navigate the complexities of wealth                  LEGACY: THE POWER OF
                  management. Our extensive experience working with family offices allows us to deliver tailored               WILLS AND TRUSTS FOR
                  solutions that address not only your immediate needs but also your long-term objectives. We   21  DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE   FAMILY OFFICES
                  work seamlessly with your legal and wealth advisors to ensure a fully integrated approach,   INVESTMENT STRATEGY:
                  allowing you to focus on what matters most—growing your legacy and securing your family’s   THE WEALTH PYRAMID
     SUPERVISOR   We hope this guide serves as a valuable resource as you continue to refine and strengthen your
  CERINI & ASSOCIATES, LLP  family office. Should you wish to discuss how we can support your efforts, we welcome the
     (631) 750-0442  opportunity to connect.
                  Together, we can ensure that your family office remains resilient, strategic, and positioned for
   KRISTINA LAINO  success in 2025 and beyond.
    GRAPHIC DESIGNER                                           Albert Borghese, CPA
  CERINI & ASSOCIATES, LLP                                               Partner
     (631) 750-0390

         (631) 582-1600 | 3340 Veterans Memorial Hwy., Bohemia, NY 11716
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