Page 17 - C&A's Nonprofit Board Guide
P. 17


 is the Board’s responsibility to select the Executive
 Director  and  outline  his/her  role;  the  Board
 supports the Executive Director and assesses his/
 her performance (should be performed in a written
 evaluation);  the  Board  determines  appropriate
 compensation for the Executive Director and other
 executive  staff  members;  and  the  Board  has  the
 power to hire and remove the Executive Director.
 The  Board  provides  proper  fiscal  oversight,
 including setting and approving an annual budget.
 This does not mean the Board prepares the budget,   hile the Board’s role is to oversee, the role   Staff Liaison to the Board of Directors
 nor  does  it  mean  that  the  Board  should  micro-  W  of  the  Executive  Director  is  to  execute
 manage  the  budget  process.  The  Board  should   the  policies,  programs,  and  initiatives   The Executive Director must also keep the Board
 review  and  gain  an  appropriate  understanding   established by the Board. The Executive Director   informed  as  to  what  the  organization  is  doing.
 of  the  budget,  ensure  that  the  organization  is   is  responsible  for  running  the  day-to-day   The Executive Director attends Board meetings
 establishing  appropriate  reserves,  revenues  and   operations  of  the  organization.  The  Executive   and maintains open lines of communication with
 expenses  make  sense  and  are  supportable,  and   Director is an employee of the organization whose   the Board of Directors.
 monitor the organization’s fiscal health and actual   responsibilities are determined, and performance   Ensure Effective Operations
 operations compared to budget on a regular basis.   monitored, by the Board of Directors.
 Board  members  need  to  have  at  least  a  basic   The Executive Director is responsible for running
 understanding  of  how  the  organization  generates   Staff Management  the day-to-day operations of the organization.  It
 revenue  and  its  cost  structure  to  be  able  to   The  Executive  Director  hires,  supervises,  and   is the Board’s responsibility to provide the overall
 understand  if  the  proposed  budget  is  reasonable.     motivates  the  staff  of  the  nonprofit.  It  is  the   framework, but it is the Executive Director that
 The fiscal aspects of an organization are not always   Executive Director’s responsibility to ensure the   steers  the  ship  to  ensure  the  organization  stays
 the easiest for Board members to understand, but   organization  is  properly  staffed,  all  of  the  staff   on  course.  This  framework  is  often  developed
 they are the lifeblood of any organization.  members have appropriate job descriptions, job   jointly  by  the  Board  and  Executive  Director
 Part of the role of the Board is to ensure that the   performance is evaluated and pay is appropriate   through a strategic plan which provides a road
                                          map for management to follow.
 organization  has  the  financial  resources  it  needs.   within a predetermined scale, staff members are
 As a result, Board members should be involved in   following organizational policies and protocols,  In  order  for  an  organization  to  be  effective,
 helping  in  the  organization’s  fundraising  efforts.     and that everyone is properly trained and on the  the  Executive  Director  and  the  Board  must
 Fundraising  is  often  essential  to  an  organization   same  page  in  terms  of  organizational  mission  embrace  their  roles,  open  up  lines  of  strong
 to  provide  discretionary  funding.  Many  Boards   and goals. The staff of a nonprofit traditionally  interactive  communication,  and  develop  a
 require a give-or-get commitment from its Board   comprise more than 70% of a nonprofit’s annual  collaborative  relationship  focused  on  ensuring
 members. This is something you should understand   expenditures, so this can be a significant part of  the  organization’s  mission  is  carried  out  in  the
 before joining a Board.  the Executive Director’s responsibilities.  most  effective  and  efficient  way.  If  the  Board
 Program Oversight  Development and Management of   and management aren’t in-synch, with the Board
                                          providing governance, oversight, and monitoring
             Policies and Programs
 It  is  the  Board’s  responsibility  to  ensure  that   organizational  effectiveness,  and  management,
 programs  are  in  place  to  further  the  mission  and   While it is the Board’s responsibility to set policies,  building  off  the  framework  provided  by  the
 goals  of  the  organization.  If  there  are  specific   it is the Executive Director’s responsibility to ensure  Board,  guiding  the  various  components  of
 compliance  programs  that  the  organization  must   that the Board’s policies are properly implemented.  the  organization  so  that  they  are  functioning
 follow (e.g. Medicaid), the Board should ensure a   In many organizations, the Executive Director may  in  harmony,  the  organization  will  not  reach
 proper compliance program is in place and should   suggest  policy  to  the  Board,  but  ultimately  the  its  full  potential.  Like  with  any  relationship,

 be receiving regular updates of the organization’s   establishment of such policies rests with the Board.  communication and trust are essential.
 compliance.  It is management’s role to put procedures in place to
     ensure that policies are effectively being followed.

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