Page 33 - 2019 Hachik Product Catalog_Neat
P. 33


                              METAL & SCALE CONTROL PRODUCTS                      PACKING           ITEM#      LIST

                              Metal Free                                          12-1 L/Cs        A6510    423.40
                               •  1 Liter treats 20,000 Gal. Phosphate free metal
                                chelating agent.
                              Stain Free                                          12-1.75 Lbs/Cs   A6526    512.80
                               •  Excellent stain remover for fiberglass and
                                vinyl liner pools.
                              Stain Free Extra Strength                           12-1.75 Lbs/Cs   A6570    643.30
                               • All natural stain remover

                              Scale Free                                          6-2 L/Cs         A6547    333.80
                               • Prevents Calcium and Mineral Staining.
              A6601           Start-Up Magic                                       6 x 1.892L/Cs   A6601    175.30     Chemicals
                               • Controls calcium and metal scale and controls plaster dust

                              Algae Break 90                                      12-32 Oz/Cs      A6553    427.60
                               • Treats blue-green, black & mustard algae

                              SALT WATER POOL PRODUCTS
                              Salt Water Magic Monthly Kit                        4-Kits/Cs        A6544    250.30
                               • Metal deactivator, phosphate remover

                              POOL SPECIALTY PRODUCTS
              A6602           Cyanuric Acid Removal Kit                           6-Kits/Cs        A6602    444.80
                               • Efficiently removes cyanuric acid from pool water
                              Pool Cover Cleaner                                  12-32 Oz/Cs      A6533    271.60
                               • Save time & excessive scrubbing

                              Cover Free                                          12-32 Oz/Cs      A6551    453.10
                               • Helps save water by decreasing evaporation.
                              Instant Pool Water Conditioner                      4-1 Gal/Cs       A6538    194.30
                               • Protects chlorine from sunlight.
               A6551          Filter Perfect                                      12-1 L/Cs        A6528    318.10
                               • Removes build-up caused by oils & grease
                              Purge                                               6-2 L/Cs         A6557    269.20     NATURAL CHEMISTRY & CORAL SEAS
                               • Restores pool plumbing to original condition

                              CORAL SEAS

               A6626          Yellow Out                                          12-2 Lbs/Cs      A6624    278.50
                              • Kills green and mustard algae
                                                                                  8-4 Lbs/Cs       A6626    331.50
                              Green Aid                                           12-2 Lbs/Cs      A6625    278.50
                               •  Kills green algae
                                                                                  8-4 Lbs/Cs       A6627    331.50

                                      *ALL CHEMICALS SOLD IN CASE LOTS ONLY                                            14
               A6627             Order online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  |
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